Alexandra Aebersold

Job Titles:
  • Head of Operations

Andrin Willi

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Association Board
  • Board Member, Programme

Beat Arnold

Job Titles:
  • Finance
  • Member of the Association Board
  • Member of the Board

Dr. Mathis Wackernagel

Job Titles:
  • Founder, Global Footprint Network
If you've already come across the "Footprint" concept, then Dr. Mathis Wackernagel has left a mark on you. Together with Bill Rees, he introduced the Footprint (or ecological footprint) over 30 years ago. Twenty years ago, he founded the Global Footprint Network. They also started publishing the resource balance of all countries, a task now carried out by FoDaFo. This sustainability think tank is probably best known for its annual Earth Overshoot Day, which also applies to Switzerland. Part of the overshoot is also climate change. But it's about more than that: food is not only an essential part but also one of the major challenges. Mathis refers to them as the "10 impossible imperatives." His awards include two honorary doctorates (one from the University of Bern, the other from the University of Stirling), the World Sustainability Award 2018, the IAIA Global Environment Award 2015, and the Blue Planet Prize 2012.

Eve Hunziker

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Franziska Wick

Job Titles:
  • Programme Leader Fermentation

Helder Correia Neto

Job Titles:
  • Event Production Soil to Soul Alandroal

HG Hans Georg Hildebrandt

Job Titles:
  • Writer

Laura Preising

Job Titles:
  • Marketing & Communication Manager

Paulo Amado

Job Titles:
  • Publicist and Specialist Culinary Organizer & Head of Event Soil to Soul Alandroal
Born in Olhão, in the south of Portugal, Paulo Amado attended law school, edited two books, worked as a journalist, and is the editor of a Portuguese magazine focused on people in gastronomy. He is also a member of the band The Suma. He founded Edições do Gosto and Manja Marvila, a multicultural space aimed at driving social change through gastronomy. He leads a mental health project in the restaurant industry and presides over various culinary events like the Portuguese Chef of the Year, Chef's Congress, and Young Talents of Gastronomy. With a career spanning nearly 30 years, he is a key figure and humanist in the field of gastronomy. He has been involved with Soil to Soul Alandroal since its first edition.

Petra Müller

Job Titles:
  • Fundraising

Prof. Dr. Ing. Christophe Lacroix

Job Titles:
  • Professor

Roman Dobler

Job Titles:
  • Employee Marketing & Event

Thomas Sterchi

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Association Board
  • Association 's President