Updated 13 days ago
Von-Rehlingen-Str. 64a DE-86356 Neusaess Germany
Axontronic - Your partner for Clinical and Surgical Neurophysiolgy - We are a full line service provider around Clinical and Surgical Neurophysiology...
Founded by Richard Brandmeier, a Biomedical Engineer and his partner being a Neurologist, Axontronic aims to serve Health Care professionals as partner of choice in all aspects of Clinical and Surgical Neurophysiology...
Spinal Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Aortic Surgery, Neuro-Intensiv care, Epilepsy, Urology………….. Just a short selection of areas in which Intraoperative Neuromonitoring is used nowadays - we can serve you in any of them with our Expertise, our Products and Service Portfolio.
Also known as: Axontronic GmbH & Co KG, Axontronic Schweiz
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