Updated 21 days ago
You can also send us an email on , one of our sales staff will get back to you. You can also chat with us on 08099441158, Ampsolve - your Auto and Personal Safety partner...
This is a ampsolve and we focus on selling FRSC aprroved speed limiters, vehicle trackerremote trackers first aid box sales and insatallations. Ampsolve is one of nigeria best sellers for Frsc Approved speed limiters and vehicle trackers. adaptive speed limiter, adjustable speed limiter, aftermarket speed limiter , ampsolve, ampsolveng, vehicle tracking, remote tracking, FRSC, approved speed limiters...
We keep our focus on our clients and we go beyond installation to providing after sales support. We understand the needs of our customers and we go a long way to give them the best experience.
Also known as: ampsolve