Updated 859 days ago
945 South Birch Street, #460552 Denver CO 80246
The Merlin Foundation was incorporated by John Tredennick, who serves on a volunteer basis as Chairman of the Board and Executive Director. The intention is to hire a paid Executive Director on a part time basis to start when the organization is ready to support one. The Merlin Foundation is also guided by an Advisory Board made up of legal and technology leaders from all parts of the world...
The Merlin Foundation is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors, an Advisory Board and the Foundation Director. Financials are monitored by an experienced Chief Financial Officer. Board members are not paid for their services but will be reimbursed by the Foundation for reasonable expenses when appropriate...
The Merlin Foundation is led by Executive Director, John Tredennick and CFO, Lew Visscher (both unpaid volunteers. We are in the process of determining staff needs as the organization grows).
Also known as: Merlin Foundation