Adam Brihmi - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Marketing Officer

Camilo Garay

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Specialist

Ermias Nagatu

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Manager

Farid Ahmad - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Founder of Lonzo
The Ahmad family has always believed the best conversations and moments are made over food. Farid Ahmad, founder of Lonzo's states his father would even go as far as to say, conflicts within political parties in their country have been solved over food. He breaks it down into the three stages. Before the food is presented, the aromas that fill the air would balance the tension between political parties, while eating the flavours of the food is what unites them, bringing harmony, and finally with full and satisfied bellies is when the ears and tongues would work best during such conversation. When my family immigrated to Canada from Afghanistan, we immediately fell in love with western cuisine. I always caught my mouth watering from the aromas down the busy streets of Toronto. Unfortunately, for the most part we could not taste much of the food, since halal food options were so scarce. That is when my father had decided to use his earnings to open his own restaurant in Toronto, offering the city a halal western cuisine option, as he founded our parent company City Fried Chicken in 2005. He opened a successful business with the intention of building community and the amazing memories he carries with him today.

Ismail Ahmad

Job Titles:
  • Inventory & Shipping Manager