ESGAFRICA - Key Persons

Dr. Nicholas Flanders

Job Titles:
  • Partner, ESG and Community Strategy Director
  • Retired IFC Principal Social and Environmental Specialist
Nicholas Flanders is a retired IFC Principal Social and Environmental Specialist who worked globally but lived in West Africa and the MENA region. He combines a doctorate in anthropology with over 30 years of experience in understanding and acting upon the human dimensions of environmental issues. He is the original lead author of IFC's Performance Standard 8 Cultural Heritage. His strongest passion is passing on knowledge of society and the environment to future generations.

Eme Essien Lore

Eme Essien Lore is an experienced development finance professional with a demonstrated history of effective team leadership resulting in measurable outcomes. She is a thought leader on impact investing and the role of organizational health in firm performance. With over 2 decades of experience in development finance, she now focuses on how organizations in Africa can enhance organizational health to underpin corporate governance as a key driver for stronger development finance outcomes.

Seynabou Ba - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Seynabou Ba is the founder of ESG Africa Ltd. She is an environmental and social risk management expert with over 20 years experience, 13 of which were at the IFC where she was the ESG Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa. Her passion is to build on-the-ground ESG capacity and support African companies in reclaiming the ESG narrative through contributing to the sustainability of the continent.