Updated 23 days ago
126 Western Ave Suite 1000 Augusta, ME 04330 USA
Maine Hospitality Management LLC is a Hospitality Business Management Consulting and Operating Company with expertise in Eco-Hospitality, Operational Effectiveness, Dynamic Revenue Management, and IT/AI integration... Maine Hospitality Management LLC strives to be the leader in regenerative, sustainable, automation services for independant hoteliers. We INN-Ovate Hospitality by embracing cutting-edge technology, implementing SAAS/HAAS options, leading from a triple bottom line, embracing a seventh generational theory, and operating carbon neutral properties. Consistently exceeding the expectations of guests, staff, owners, and the communities we support... Maine Hospitality Management LLC delivers the Inn-Ovation and Auto-Mation critical to the success of independent hoteliers. We strive to be the leader in sustainable hospitality practices that improve overall operational effectiveness, are triple bottom line driven, and designed on a seven generational theory of sustainability. We..
Also known as: Maine Hospitality Management LLC