LIVE - Key Persons

Dr. Christophe Droz

Job Titles:
  • Researcher in Vibroacoustics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dr. Christophe Droz is a postdoctoral researcher in vibroacoustics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specialized in reduced modelling techniques for periodic media. He received a Ph.D degree in Structural Dynamics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2015. During his Ph.D he worked with Airbus Helicopters to investigate waveguiding phenomena in composite structures and developed a wave-based de-icing strategy for helicopter rotor blades. During the past 4 years, Christophe made several postdoctoral stays at Ecole Centrale de Lyon and KU Leuven, where he pursued research on wave-based modeling, lightweight design and vibration control. He was also European Project Manager and involved in the European Joint Doctorate programme VIPER. In 2019 Christophe obtained a prestigious Individual Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, aiming to explore new scattering feature-based damage assessment techniques able to tackle lightweight meta-structures.

Dr. Giuseppe Petrone

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering
Dr. Giuseppe Petrone is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering - Aerospace Section of Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico". Dr. Petrone gained an MSc and a BSc in Aerospace Engineering at University of Naples Federico II and Second University of Naples in 2010 and 2008, respectively and in 2014, he received his Ph.D. in Aerospace, Naval and Quality Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. Dr. Petrone spent research periods at CACM (Centre for Advanced Composite Materials) of the University of Auckland (New Zealand) where he worked on the characterization of natural fibre composite panels with Profs. D. Bhattacharyya and B. Mace; and at University of Santiago de Chile where he worked with prof. V. Meruane on damage detection techniques. His research activities are focused in many fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering such as mechanical characterization, structural dynamics, structural-acoustics and damage detection by using both frequency response functions and ultrasonic waves techniques. Dr. Petrone has been involved, as principal and co-investigator, in several research projects, funded by industrial companies and/or European Community, for many engineering sectors, including aircraft, comfort, safety, noise and vibration. He serves as referee and associate editor for many peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Joel Perret-Liaudet

Dr. Joel Perret-Liaudet graduated in Engineering and holds a PhD from École Centrale de Lyon. He is Associate Professor within the Tribology and System Dynamics Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5513), at École Centrale de Lyon where he holds this position since 1992. He teaches courses generally in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Solid Mechanics. In 1999, Joël Perret-Liaudet obtained an accreditation to supervise research in the field of dynamics and vibrations of parametric and/or nonlinear mechanical systems. He is interested mainly in research concerning the vibroacoustic mechanisms, including the gear transmission, in its global and local approaches. Furthermore, his work focuses on understanding various dynamic, vibration and acoustic phenomena coupling with contact mechanics and friction.

Dr. José Maria Campos Dos Santos

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Campinas
Dr. José Maria Campos Dos Santos is associated Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Campinas in Brazil, since 1989. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Maranhão (1977), a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1983) and a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1993). He carried out researches at University of Houston, USA (1996), University of Southampton, ISVR, UK (2006), and University of Maine, INSA de Lyon, France (2007 and 2015). He has experience in mechanical engineering, focusing on mechanical vibrations, structural dynamics: damage detection, medium and high frequency wave propagation methods, periodic structures, metamaterials and phononic crystals, vibration & acoustics (vibroacoustics, aeroacoustics), musical instrument characterization, analytical and numerical methods, experimental test verification.

Dr. Malek Zine

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor
Dr. Malek Zine is Associate professor in mathematics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Abdelmalek Zine holds a PhD in Numerical Analysis from Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris-VI and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from École polytechnique de Montréal. He is Assistant Professor at École Centrale de Lyon since 1992. His research activities address the numerical analysis of partial differential equations from the modelling of complex fluids and solids. Inverse problems and reduced models in fluid-structure interaction are also part of his research themes. His teachings focus on mathematical and numerical tools and their application to engineering problems.

Dr. Michelle Salvia

Dr. Michelle Salvia graduated in Engineering fro at INSA de Lyon, and holds a PhD and an accreditation to supervise research in Materials Science. From 1981 to 1991, she was a research engineer specialised in the viscoelasticity of polymer and damping of vibration at Metravib. Since 1991, she is Associate Professor at École Centrale de Lyon, currently in the Tribology and System Dynamics Laboratory (LTDS). Her area of interest lies in the mechanical reliability of FRP composites for automotive and aircraft applications. In particular, her work aims at understanding the micromechanical and mechanical properties through a better knowledge of the microstructural properties. She has a particular interest in smart composite structures in the frame of structural health monitoring (damage and curing sensing (carbon fibre), adaptative hybrid composites with embedded SMA). Since 2004, she is a member of the International Scientific Committee of the European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM).

Dr. Mohamed Amine Ben

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at National Engineering School of Sfax
Dr. Mohamed Amine Ben Souf is associate professor in Mechanical Engineering at National Engineering School of Sfax - Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Production (LA2MP) since 2013. He received a PhD degree at Ecole Centrale de Lyon and National Engeneering School of Sfax. During his PhD, he worked on extending the Wave Finite element Method to structures with mechanical and geometrical uncertainties in mid frequency range within the European project ‘MID-FREQUENCY. The main research topic are: mechanical vibrations, Vibroacoustics in Mid and High Frequencies, Composite structures and sources identification using Inverse problems.

Dr. Olivier Bareille

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor at École Centrale De Lyon
Dr. Olivier Bareille is associate professor at École Centrale de Lyon - Laboratory of Tribology and Dynamics of Systems (CNRS - UMR 5513) Since 2011. Lecturer in the Mechanical. Engineering Department at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (2001-11). Research domains Vibroacoustics, structure dynamics in medium frequencies Measurement and identification of mechanical characteristics for complex structures. Monitoring and vibrational control of systems and structures. Main research topics : Wave-based approaches for the modelling of structures and composite materials; Structural health monitoring : large scale and highly efficient applications.

Dr. Pascal Fossat

Job Titles:
  • Researcher in Vibrations and Acoustics at École Centrale De Lyon
Dr. Pascal Fossat is a postdoctoral researcher in vibrations and acoustics at École Centrale de Lyon. After graduating from a Master degree in Acoustics from Université du Maine, he defended his PhD in structural dynamics in 2018, prepared at École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État and École Centrale de Lyon. Alongside his research on homogenization and wave propagation in periodic media, he takes part in teaching activities within the Vibroacoustic and complex media research group, and improves his expertise in vibration control, composite materials and piezoelectric devices to address innovative and multiphysics industrial and academic problems.

Jens Jungblut

Jens Jungblut studied mechanical engineering at TU Darmstadt and acoustics at the University of Southampton within an exchange program. During his studies he focused on structure mechanics and acoustics. The master thesis focused on the operation modal analysis of a planetary gearbox. Since July 2018 he is a research assistant in the group general vibration systems at IMS. He focuses on active vibration control of rotors using piezoelectrical bearings. Within this topic he works on the DFG project AMOS which focuses on the use of the bending energy as a control variable. Furthermore, he is working on the design of a new type of active bearing which is low-priced and can be used just like an ordinary bearing.

Julia Haas

Julia Haas studied mechanical engineering at the TU Darmstadt. During her studies, she focused on structure mechanics in addition to aerodynamics. In her master thesis she dealt with the modelling of the fragment ingestion into a gear pair with the aim of identifying critical areas. Since March 2020 she is a research assistant at the IMS in the group general vibration systems. Within the scope of her work at the institute, she is researching power planetary gears in cooperation with Rolls-Royce Germany. In this context, damage mechanisms are identified and the transmission is optimized accordingly.

Prof. Francesco Franco

Prof. Francesco Franco is active in many fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering such as structural dynamics, structural-acoustics, i.e. coupling among vibrating structures and acoustic enclosures, structural-acoustic optimization, computational methods in structural-acoustic with reference to low and medium-high modal density problems, experimental techniques for the modal analysis - flutter clearance in aeronautics - localization and characterization of vibration and noise sources, active structural-acoustic control, smart materials with particular reference to magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials, damage detection by using frequency response functions. Up to date Dr. Franco has been involved in several research projects funded by the European Directorate for the Research and Industrial Development (DG XII). Many European research centers have collaborated in these research projects and Dr. Franco has served with different roles: partner, task and work-package leader, member of the steering committee. Moreover, Dr. Franco has been involved in many research projects sponsored by industrial companies (Alenia Aeronautica, Piaggio Aero Industries, Fiat, AnsaldoBreda, etc.) for the structural-acoustic design and optimization of transportation mean prototypes.

Prof. José Roberto

Job Titles:
  • Professor at the University of Campinas

Prof. Mohamed Ichchou

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Solids Mechanics
Prof. Mohamed Ichchou is Professor of Solids Mechanics, Département de Mécanique des Solides Génie Mécanique et Génie Civil and Laboratoire de Tribologie et de Dynamique des Systèmes, LTDS UMRCNRS 5513 in Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL). He is the scientific coordinator of the LIVE-I project. He is also the founder and the co-head of the vibroacoustic and complex media research group. He received from the University de Franche-Comté/ Faculté des Sciences, Licence és Science, 1990, Ecole Centrale/University Claude Bernard, DEA, Mechanics, 1992, Ing., Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 1992, Dr. Ing., Mechanical Engineering, 1996, Ecole Centrale de Lyon/University Claude Bernard, HDR, 2004.

Prof. Rainer Nordmann

Job Titles:
  • Professor, Emeritus for Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Rainer Nordmann is Professor, emeritus for Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering at TU Darmstadt. His research activities at are concentrated on the development of Mechatronic Systems with applications to Rotating Machinery, Machine Tools and Automotive Systems. He was involved in several special domain research projects and supervised more than 100 PhD students. The methods and results of the research projects were published in several papers in International Journals and were also presented at national and international conferences. Rainer Nordmann is coauthor of three Springer books Rotor Dynamics, Magnetic Bearings and Vibrations of Power Plant Machines. He served as Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Department at TU Darmstadt from 2003 until 2005. After his retirement in 2009 Rainer Nordmann worked from 2009 to 2012 as manager for Rotor Dynamics in the International R&D Center of Alstom Power in Baden (Switzerland). Today he is consult for the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF (Darmstadt) in the area of Adaptronics. He is also involved in other consulting activities in the area of Rotor Dynamics and Mechatronics.

Prof. Stephan Rinderknecht

Prof. Stephan Rinderknecht completed his studies in aerospace engineering and then did his doctorate at the same university in Stuttgart (1984 - 1995). He was Head of Research & Development at GETRAG Getrieb- und Zahnradfabrik Hermann Hagenmeyer GmbH & Cie. KG and became professor for mechatronic systems in mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt in 2009. He has been Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Department there since 2017. His research focus is on mechatronic vehicle systems, energy storage systems, active vibration systems and recently also on robotic systems. On some of his research fields as for example innovative drivetrains and propulsion systems for e-mobility as well as highly integrated designs for kinetic energy storage systems, he works in very close cooperation with industry. For others, like active piezo electric systems to reduce bending vibrations of flexible rotors, the projects approach more fundamental problems.

Prof. Tobias Melz

Job Titles:
  • Head of the Department System
Prof. Tobias Melz is head of the Department System Reliability, Adaptive Structures and Machine Acoustics SAM within the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technische Universität Darmstadt as well as director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF in Darmstadt, Germany. After studying mechanical engineering and lightweight design at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Prof. Melz was engaged as project engineer in smart structures at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR). He was responsible for vibration and shape control projects in aerospace structures such as satellites, helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. He received his PhD at the Technische Universität Darmstadt in January 2002 with his thesis on active vibration control of cryocoolers for application in satellites. Since 2001, Prof. Melz has been working in several leading positions within Fraunhofer. During this time, he was setting up a new technology incorporating smart functions within structures; he worked as head of several departments and finally was appointed as division director of smart structures. Prof. Melz was appointed as professor of smart structures at Technische Universität Darmstadt in 2011 and as director of the Fraunhofer LBF in 2016. His research aims are the realization of smart, reliable and lightweight structural solutions for competitive products.