Updated 36 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 14067287 (CH)
- Age: 2 years
- ID: 48239024/16
1725 Hughes Landing Blvd Suite 1200 The Woodlands, TX 77380
• 51101 - Scheduled passenger air transport
• 51102 - Non-scheduled passenger air transport
In 2000, we demonstrated and reinforced our strong market position when Ferrovial, world's leading infrastructure operators, acquired a controlling stake in our company. Through this acquisition, we gained Ferrovial's potential, market position, and know-how to support our competitive advantage. In 2005, we achieved a spot on the RESPECT index, which lists the most responsible companies in the world in terms of corporate governance, environmental policies, and social practices, among others... As a tier 1 global organisation, Ferrovial is proud of its long-standing position on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, along with its overall population composition, which includes a female participation rate of circa 30%... As a general contractor, we provide services in the infrastructure sector, including the construction and maintenance of roads, railways, airports, and commercial buildings, as well as in the energy, industry, and ecology sectors. We are also involved in facility..
Also known as: Ferrovial Construction (Australia) Pty Ltd, Ferrovial Construction (New Zealand) Ltd, Ferrovial Group, Ferrovial Spain, Ferrovial US, FERROVIAL VERTIPORTS UK LTD, Ferrovial, S.A., Ferrovial, S.E.
Registration numbers: 14067287 (CH), KvK73422134 (W)
Associated domains: cintra.es, cintra.us, cintraus.com, ditecpesa.com, edytesa.es, faukie.com, ferrovial-aeropuertos.com.es, ferrovial-agroman.cl, ferrovial-agroman.com.es, ferrovial-agroman.gr, ferrovial-conservacion.eu, ferrovial-construccion.gr, ferrovial-infraestructuras.org, ferrovial.us, ferrovialaeropuertos.com.es, ferrovialagroman.com, ferrovialagroman.com.es, ferrovialagroman.gr, ferrovialagroman.org, ferrovialagroman.pt, ferrovialairports.info, ferrovialbuildup.com, ferrovialconstruccion.ch, ferrovialconstruccion.cl, ferrovialconstruccion.com, ferrovialconstruccion.eu, ferrovialconstruccion.gr, ferrovialconstruction.us, ferrovialforesight.com, ferrovialgroup.org, ferrovialinfraestructuras.cl, ferrovialinfraestructuras.org, ferrovialvertiports.com, grupo-ferrovial.com.es, grupoferrovial.ch, grupoferrovial.cl, grupoferrovial.com, grupoferrovial.com.es, grupoferrovial.com.mx, grupoferrovial.eu, grupoferrovial.gr, grupoferrovial.mx, grupoferrovial.pt, movingtoanautonomousfuture.com, tecpresa.com