Updated 18 days ago
EmployMum is the flexible work specialist in Ireland - we are all about flexible work and the future of work for employees and employers EmployMum is the flexible work specialist in Ireland - we are all about flexible work, remote work and helping companies navigate their way towards the future of work...
Employmum prides itself in leading the flexible and remote work revolution in Ireland - we are all about finding flexible work for our candidates and helping companies prepare for the future of work...
Flexible work can mean a variety of things: it can be part time/ job share / remote work / compressed hours / full time with some flexibility /annualised hours / term time / ROWE or a mix of all of the above. Employmum has built up a database of over 10,000 candidates throughout Ireland (and further afield) who are actively seeking flexible work - we have a very high 93% success rate in matching clients to the right candidate.
Also known as: EmployMum Limited