Updated 185 days ago
Calle San José De Calasanz 11 Bajo 26004 Logroño La Rioja España
Clean Biotec S.L. is an environmental biotechnology company dedicated to finding solutions to environmental problems through clean, economic, and sustainable technologies. To this end, it offers its clients analytical services for environmental samples, R & D projects, advice, and training in environmental and scientific matters...
WHO WE ARE Clean-Biotec emerged in 2003 from the hand of its two members, Nathalie Beaucourt and Angélica García Alvaro, Director of Environmental Quality, who after a career in the field of environment and teaching decide to create an "innovative and pioneering microenterprise in every way, because, in La Rioja, we are the only company...
To check the health status of the environment, we design environmental alert and monitoring networks using Bioindicators, usually species of perennial plants, that react to environmental factors by changing their vital functions and/or chemical composition, making it possible to conclude the state of the environment.
Also known as: Clean Biotec S.L.