Updated 7 days ago
1 Normal Ave. Montclair, NJ 07043
The News Ecosystem Mapping Project (NEMP) at the Center for Cooperative Media is a first-of-its-kind effort to map, at a granular level but with scale, all local news providers, and local news ecosystems, in one U.S. state: New Jersey. The hope is that the project acts as a proof-of-concept and that the method we have developed can also be applied elsewhere...
In addition, we gathered structural data about all 565 municipalities in New Jersey, including median household income, the percent of the population with a college education or higher, municipal spending per capita, voter turnout in the 2016 presidential election, and whether the municipality voted Democrat or Republican in 2016. We are using that data, correlated with the number and type of local news providers, to identify the structural characteristics common to news deserts and news oases.