Job Titles:
- Member of the Board
- Marine Biological Association Deputy Director and Head
Dr Matthew Frost is Marine Biological Association Deputy Director and Head of Policy and Knowledge Exchange, with particular responsibility for the Association as a national and international membership organisation. He is committed to ensuring the marine biological community has a strong voice via an Association that works hard on its behalf.
As a marine biologist who specializes in working at the science-policy interface Dr Frost has a wide range of experience from leading evidence provision and outreach projects to parliamentary and government engagement. He chairs numerous national and international committees related to marine policy and coordination including the European Network of Marine Research Institutes and Stations (MARS) and the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership.
Matt has a degree and PhD in marine benthic ecology with his research focusing on seabed ecology, large-scale patterns, long-term monitoring and on impacts on the marine environment, particularly those related to climate change. He has published over 80 journal papers, reports, book chapters and popular articles.
Job Titles:
- Represents Outdoor Learning and Environmental Education
Jess is an environmental engagement lead at Planet & People, a Community Interest Company which she co-founded to provide environmental education to schools through their Planet Action Workshop Series and also works together with businesses to facilitate behavioural and institutional change to be proactive in protecting the planet by operating more sustainably. Jess also coordinates the Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme. She is an experienced project manager, facilitator and educator focussed on the environmental sphere and positively impacting the natural environment. Jess worked in environmental law and as a conservation coordinator on the Land, Outdoors and Nature Programme at Heelis, the National Trust Head Office where she supported and rolled out training to the countryside community nationally before moving back to Devon to set up her own business and give time and energy to local community projects. Jess helps to coordinate the Tiverton Tree Team and is on the Steering Committee for Sustainable Tiverton.
Jess grew up in South Devon and spent most of her child on horseback gaining valuable experience with top level competition horses and on farms whilst being an active member of the Young Farmers Club. She has a BSc(hons) in Biology from the University of St Andrews and a Graduate Diploma in Law. Jess enjoys developing a healthy environment for nature (and her family!) on her Mid Devon smallholding and training horses in her spare time.
Job Titles:
- Member of the Board
- Area Director for the Environment Agency
- Director of Beaford Arts
Mark Wallace has been director of Beaford Arts - England's longest-established rural arts initiative, based in North Devon - since 2007, and a vice-chair of the North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Partnership since 2011. He has chaired the regional sector agencies Theatre South West and Audience South West and serves on Arts Council England's National Rural Stakeholders Group. He has a Masters in Economics.
Mark is the Area Director for the Environment Agency in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The Environment Agency has a leading role to play in restoring or recreating new wildlife-rich habitat in England. With a team of approximately 380 people our activity ranges from managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea; regulating industry and agriculture; responding to environmental incidents including major pollutions and flooding and managing water resources to secure the water needs of communities, businesses and the environment. Mark has 20 years' experience of working with the Environment Agency in a variety of communications, operational and strategic roles, he has a background in communications and public affairs.
Job Titles:
- Member of the Board
- Operations Manager at Natural England
Job Titles:
- Member of the Board
- Independent Environmental Consultant
Job Titles:
- Member of the Board
- Secretary of State National Appointee to Exmoor National Park Authority
Robin Milton is an Exmoor upland farmer who runs a mixed family farm, a herd of pedigree suckler Aberdeen Angus and a commercial sheep flock, on 1000 acres of bye and common land. After graduating from Wye college in 1982 he joined the family partnership in 1990 whilst continuing agricultural consultancy work. In 2010, the family were winners of Devon FWAG's Bronze Otter Award and the North Devon Biosphere Sustainable Farming Award.
Robin has previously held the role of NFU (National Farmers' Union) Branch Chairman and is currently NFU National Uplands Forum Chairman. He is chairman of the NFU South West Uplands Group, Withypool Commoners' Association, and West Anstey Commoners' Group; as well as a member of CLA (Country Land and Business Association) and Devon CLA committee member.
Robin is the Secretary of State National Appointee to Exmoor National Park Authority, 2010; Vice Chairman of Resource and Performance Committee; and sits on both the Parish and Consultative Forum and Exmoor Local Access Forum.
He is a member of the DEFRA Upland Stakeholder Group, Upland Land Management Advisory Panel and Water Quality Panel, as well as a Local Parish Councillor.
Job Titles:
- Member of the Board
- Director of Public Health for Devon County Council
Steve Brown is the Director of Public Health for Devon County Council. Steve has held senior leadership positions within public health, both within local authorities and the NHS for over twenty years, with the vast majority of his career spent in Devon.
Steve is passionate about promoting physical activity and the outdoors and spends his spare time mountain biking, hiking and surfing as well as helping to coach two youth football teams.