Job Titles:
Claire studied at the CAS predecessor "Creative Ballet" from age 4 taking classes in ballet, contemporary and jazz. She went on to further her dance training through the Sydney Dance Company young dancer program, Australian Dance Vision training programs and studying at other dance schools in Sydney. Claire took over what is now Creative Arts Studio in 2000 and has been passionate about growing and developing the studio ever since. She has produced and choreographed many shows and musicals, both for CAS and externally, and over the years has been involved in School Spectacular, North West Dance Festival, State Dance Festival and lots of community events. Recently she choreographed for two short films. Claire holds a Certificate IV in Dance Management and Training, Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment and a BA in Physiotherapy. When she's not running CAS, she works as a Senior Physiotherapist at The Children's Hospital at Westmead and is a mum to three gorgeous kids.