TTDN - Trans-Texas Digital Network (formerly known as the Trans-Texas Videoconference Network - TTVN) is the wide area data and interactive communications network that serves the campuses and agencies of The Texas A&M University System. The network also serves a number of affiliated colleges and universities, K-12 school districts, and state agencies throughout Texas. The core TTDN network consists of over 100 primary wide area network sites... TTDN provides enterprise-class commodity internet, Internet2, and Texas Intranet data services to all members of the Texas A&M System and the extended TTVN community... The TTDN backbone network infrastructure is an all internet protocol (IP) environment. The IP environment allows TTDN staff to focus on a single type of network infrastructure for all supported services. This allows the most cost-effective environment and the most efficient utilization of bandwidth. The TTDN network is monitored 24/7/365 with the ultimate goal of providing..