IBM TERMS - History of Changes

2024-03-19 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2023-10-05 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2023-04-16 delete otherexecutives Christina Montgomery
2023-04-16 delete vp Christina Montgomery
2023-04-16 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-04-16 delete source_ip
2023-04-16 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2023-04-16 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2023-04-16 insert source_ip
2023-04-16 update person_title Christina Montgomery: Vice President; Chief Privacy Officer => Vice President and Chief Privacy & Trust Officer
2023-04-16 update person_title Joanne Wright: Senior Vice President, Transformation and Operations => Senior Vice President, Transformation and Operations, IBM
2023-03-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2023-03-15 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-03-15 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2023-03-15 insert casestudy_pages_linkeddomain
2023-03-15 update person_title Howard Boville: Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud Platform => Senior Vice President and Head of IBM Cloud Platform & Technology Lifecycle Services
2023-03-15 update person_title Roger Premo: General Manager, Strategy and Corporate Development => General Manager, Corporate Strategy and Ventures
2023-02-12 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-02-12 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-02-12 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-02-12 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-02-12 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-01-11 insert chro Nickle LaMoreaux
2023-01-11 insert cio Kathryn Guarini
2023-01-11 insert otherexecutives Sebastian Krause
2023-01-11 insert svp Nickle LaMoreaux
2023-01-11 insert svp Sebastian Krause
2023-01-11 insert svp Tom Rosamilia
2023-01-11 delete person Mark Foster
2023-01-11 delete person Obed Louissaint
2023-01-11 insert person Alexander F. Stern
2023-01-11 insert person Dinesh Nirmal
2023-01-11 insert person Kareem Yusuf
2023-01-11 insert person Paul Papas
2023-01-11 insert person Sebastian Krause
2023-01-11 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2023-01-11 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2023-01-11 update person_title Bob Lord: IBM Senior Vice President, the Weather Company and Alliances => Senior Vice President, the Weather Company and Alliances
2023-01-11 update person_title Gary Cohn: Vice Chairman of IBM => Vice Chairman
2023-01-11 update person_title Howard Boville: Head of IBM Cloud Platform => Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud Platform
2023-01-11 update person_title Kathryn Guarini: Chief Information Officer, IBM Corporation => Chief Information Officer
2023-01-11 update person_title Nickle LaMoreaux: Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, IBM => Chief Human Resources Officer; Senior Vice President
2023-01-11 update person_title Ric Lewis: Senior Vice President, IBM Systems => Senior Vice President, Infrastructure
2023-01-11 update person_title Rob Thomas: Senior Vice President, IBM Global Markets => Senior Vice President, Software and Chief Commercial Officer
2023-01-11 update person_title Tom Rosamilia: Senior Vice President, IBM Software => Senior Advisor; Senior Vice President
2022-12-10 delete personal_emails
2022-12-10 delete personal_emails
2022-12-10 delete personal_emails
2022-12-10 insert personal_emails
2022-12-10 delete alias Bison Schweiz AG
2022-12-10 delete email
2022-12-10 delete email
2022-12-10 delete email
2022-12-10 delete email
2022-12-10 delete email
2022-12-10 delete person Allison Bishop
2022-12-10 delete person Analia Cervini
2022-12-10 delete person Carolyn Castel
2022-12-10 delete person Jeannine Kilbride
2022-12-10 delete person Meg Nair
2022-12-10 delete phone +52-11 99796-4079
2022-12-10 delete phone 1 (647) 444-5085
2022-12-10 delete phone 1 (857) 337- 0601
2022-12-10 insert email
2022-12-10 insert email
2022-12-10 insert person Allison Fitton
2022-12-10 insert person Christine Selph
2022-12-10 insert person Joanne Wright
2022-12-10 insert person Paola Podesta
2022-12-10 update person_title Tom Rosamilia: Senior Vice President, IBM Software Chairman, North America; Senior Vice President, IBM Software, and Chairman, North America => Senior Vice President, IBM Software
2022-12-10 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2022-10-10 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2022-07-10 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 delete person Holli Haswell
2022-07-10 delete phone (720) 396-5485
2022-07-10 insert partner Cisco and IBM Security
2022-07-10 insert partner Gov Facility Services Ltd
2022-07-10 insert partner Human Capital Management Services
2022-07-10 insert partner OCI
2022-07-10 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-06-19 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-05-19 delete chairman Alex Gorsky
2022-05-19 delete cmo Carla Piñeyro Sublett
2022-05-19 delete otherexecutives Michael L. Eskew
2022-05-19 delete personal_emails
2022-05-19 delete president James M. Whitehurst
2022-05-19 delete svp Carla Piñeyro Sublett
2022-05-19 insert chairman Federick H.Waddell
2022-05-19 insert otherexecutives Peter R. Voser
2022-05-19 insert personal_emails
2022-05-19 delete email
2022-05-19 delete email
2022-05-19 delete person Bridget A. van Kralingen
2022-05-19 delete person Carla Piñeyro Sublett
2022-05-19 delete person James M. Whitehurst
2022-05-19 delete person Juan A. Zufiria Zatarain
2022-05-19 delete person Martin Schroeter
2022-05-19 delete person Michael L. Eskew
2022-05-19 delete person Pam Dowd
2022-05-19 delete person Sandrine Durupt
2022-05-19 delete person Stanislava (Stanka) Sucha
2022-05-19 delete phone + 44 (0) 7920 823429
2022-05-19 delete phone +33 (0)6 70 21 82 10
2022-05-19 delete phone +44 (0) 20 7021 8911
2022-05-19 delete phone 1 (203) 512-5497
2022-05-19 delete phone 1 (404) 238-6329
2022-05-19 delete phone 1 (914) 766-4935
2022-05-19 delete phone 34-91-397-7782
2022-05-19 delete phone 39-02.59624690
2022-05-19 delete phone 421-905-759-671
2022-05-19 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-19 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert email
2022-05-19 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-19 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-19 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-19 insert person Alfred W. Zollar
2022-05-19 insert person Danielle Arney
2022-05-19 insert person Faye Abloeser
2022-05-19 insert person Federick H.Waddell
2022-05-19 insert person Maurizio Decollanz
2022-05-19 insert person Mike Sefanov
2022-05-19 insert person Stephanie Glemot
2022-05-19 insert person Steve Tomasco
2022-05-19 insert phone 1 (650) 281-8099
2022-05-19 update person_title Alex Gorsky: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson; Member of the Executive Committee; Chairman => Member of the Executive Committee; Executive Chairman and Retired CEO, Johnson & Johnson
2022-05-19 update person_title Howard Boville: Senior Vice President, IBM Hybrid Cloud => Head of IBM Cloud Platform; Senior Vice President, IBM Hybrid Cloud
2022-05-19 update person_title James J. Kavanaugh: Senior Vice President; Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Finance and Operations; Chief Financial Officer => Senior Vice President; Chief Financial Officer
2022-05-19 update person_title John Granger: Senior Vice President, Cloud Application Innovation and COO, Global Business Services; Senior Vice President, Cloud Application Innovation and COO, IBM Global Business Services => Senior Vice President, IBM Consulting
2022-05-19 update person_title Jonathan H. Adashek: Chief Communications Officer => Chief Communications Officer; Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications
2022-05-19 update person_title Kelly C. Chambliss: Senior Vice President, Americas and Strategic Sales, IBM Global Business Services => Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, IBM Consulting
2022-05-19 update person_title Mark Foster: Senior Vice President, IBM Services => Chairman, IBM Consulting
2022-05-19 update person_title Peter R. Voser: Retired Chief Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell => Member of the Executive Committee; Retired Chief Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell Plc; Chairman of the Audit Committee
2022-05-19 update person_title Robert D. Thomas: Senior Vice President, IBM Global Markets; Senior Vice President, Global Markets => Senior Vice President, IBM Global Markets
2022-05-19 update person_title Robert W. Lord: Senior Vice President, Worldwide Ecosystem, IBM; Senior Vice President, Worldwide Ecosystems and Blockchain => IBM Senior Vice President, the Weather Company and Alliances; Senior Vice President, the Weather Company and Alliances
2022-05-19 update person_title Roger Premo: General Manager, Corporate Development and Strategy => General Manager, Strategy and Corporate Development
2022-05-19 update person_title Thomas W. Rosamilia: Senior Vice President, Cloud and Cognitive Software; Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software / Chairman, North America => Senior Vice President, IBM Software Chairman, North America; Senior Vice President, IBM Software, and Chairman, North America
2021-09-21 delete personal_emails
2021-09-21 insert cmo Carla Piñeyro Sublett
2021-09-21 insert personal_emails
2021-09-21 insert svp Carla Piñeyro Sublett
2021-09-21 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-21 delete email
2021-09-21 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-21 delete person Christina Trejo
2021-09-21 delete person Fletcher Previn
2021-09-21 delete person Sidney Taurel
2021-09-21 delete phone +52-15543595651
2021-09-21 delete phone 1 (212) 671 - 9582
2021-09-21 delete phone 2992 5555 / 2992 5353
2021-09-21 insert email
2021-09-21 insert email
2021-09-21 insert person Allison Bishop
2021-09-21 insert person Analia Cervini
2021-09-21 insert person Carla Piñeyro Sublett
2021-09-21 insert person Kathryn Guarini
2021-09-21 insert person Ric Lewis
2021-09-21 insert phone +52-11 99796-4079
2021-09-21 update person_title Bridget A. van Kralingen: Senior Vice President, Global Markets => Senior Vice President, Special Projects
2021-09-21 update person_title David N. Farr: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Emerson Electric Co. => Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Emerson Electric Co.
2021-09-21 update person_title Martin Schroeter: CEO of the Independent Company "NewCo" => CEO, Kyndryl
2021-09-21 update person_title Rob Thomas: Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud and Data Platform => Senior Vice President, IBM Global Markets; Senior Vice President, Global Markets
2021-09-21 update person_title Robert W. Lord: Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications, Blockchain and Ecosystems, IBM => Senior Vice President, Worldwide Ecosystem, IBM; Senior Vice President, Worldwide Ecosystems and Blockchain
2021-09-21 update person_title Roger Premo: General Manager, Corporate Strategy => General Manager, Corporate Development and Strategy
2021-09-21 update person_title Tom Rosamilia: Senior Vice President, IBM Systems / Chairman, North America => Senior Vice President, Cloud and Cognitive Software; Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software / Chairman, North America
2021-09-21 update robots_txt_status 0 => 404
2021-09-21 update website_status FailedRobots => OK
2021-09-05 update website_status OK => FailedRobots
2021-01-28 delete chairman Virginia M. (Ginni) Rometty
2021-01-28 delete evp Dr. John E. Kelly, III
2021-01-28 delete otherexecutives Arvind Krishna
2021-01-28 insert cco Jonathan H. Adashek
2021-01-28 delete email
2021-01-28 delete email
2021-01-28 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-28 delete person Baentsch, Michael
2021-01-28 delete person Berrospi, Cesar
2021-01-28 delete person Bilu, Yonatan
2021-01-28 delete person Codella, James V
2021-01-28 delete person Diane Gherson
2021-01-28 delete person Dr. Dario Gil
2021-01-28 delete person Dr. John E. Kelly, III
2021-01-28 delete person Georgopoulos, Leonidas
2021-01-28 delete person Hu, Shaohan
2021-01-28 delete person Ken Saunders
2021-01-28 delete person Michelle Peluso
2021-01-28 delete person Virginia M. (Ginni) Rometty
2021-01-28 delete phone +420 234 343 257
2021-01-28 delete phone +420 733 149 487
2021-01-28 delete phone +44-7887-830-036
2021-01-28 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-28 insert email
2021-01-28 insert person Desrosiers, Luc
2021-01-28 insert person Dr. Darío Gil
2021-01-28 insert person Gary Cohn
2021-01-28 insert person Gokarna, Mayank
2021-01-28 insert person Gupta, Nitin
2021-01-28 insert person Jeannine Kilbride
2021-01-28 insert person Jonathan H. Adashek
2021-01-28 insert person Martin Schroeter
2021-01-28 insert person Pam Dowd
2021-01-28 insert person Roger Premo
2021-01-28 insert person Stanislava (Stanka) Sucha
2021-01-28 insert person Thomas J Watson
2021-01-28 insert phone 421-905-759-671
2021-01-28 update person_title Arvind Krishna: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer, IBM; Chief Executive Officer => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Leadership Team; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBM
2021-01-28 update person_title Howard Boville: Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud => Senior Vice President, IBM Hybrid Cloud
2021-01-28 update person_title Joseph R. Swedish: Advisor & Retired Chairman, President & CEO, Anthem, Inc. => Retired Chairman, President & CEO, Anthem, Inc.
2020-10-04 delete email
2020-10-04 delete person Bob Picciano
2020-10-04 delete person Lisa Meyer
2020-10-04 delete phone +33 1 5875 0871
2020-10-04 delete phone 1 (703) 318-1294
2020-10-04 delete product_pages_linkeddomain
2020-10-04 insert email
2020-10-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-10-04 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-10-04 insert person Nickle LaMoreaux
2020-10-04 insert person Obed Louissaint
2020-10-04 insert person Sandrine Durupt
2020-10-04 insert phone +33 (0)6 70 21 82 10
2020-10-04 update person_title Diane Gherson: Senior Vice President and CHRO => Senior Vice President, IBM
2020-10-04 update person_title Joseph R. Swedish: President and Chief Executive Officer, Anthem, Inc. => Advisor & Retired Chairman, President & CEO, Anthem, Inc.
2020-10-04 update robots_txt_status 404 => 0
2020-07-29 delete email
2020-07-29 delete person Gabrielle Gugliocciello
2020-07-29 delete person Ken Keverian
2020-07-29 delete phone 1 (314) 494-8715
2020-07-29 insert casestudy_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-29 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-29 insert phone 518-506-8848
2020-07-29 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-29 update person_title Robert W. Lord: Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications => Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications; Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications, Blockchain and Ecosystems, IBM
2020-07-29 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2020-05-29 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2020-04-29 delete svp Bridget van Kralingen
2020-04-29 insert ceo Arvind Krishna
2020-04-29 insert evp Dr. John E. Kelly III
2020-04-29 insert otherexecutives Christina Montgomery
2020-04-29 insert president Jim Whitehurst
2020-04-29 insert svp Mark Foster
2020-04-29 insert vp Christina Montgomery
2020-04-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-29 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-29 delete person Martin Schroeter
2020-04-29 delete person Watson APIs
2020-04-29 insert person Howard Boville
2020-04-29 insert person Jim Whitehurst
2020-04-29 insert person Rob Thomas
2020-04-29 update person_title Arvind Krishna: Senior Vice President, Cloud and Cognitive Software, IBM / Chief Executive Officer of IBM, Effective April 6, 2020; Senior Vice President, Cloud and Cognitive Software / IBM; Chief Executive Officer of IBM => Senior Vice President, Cloud and Cognitive Software, IBM / Chief Executive Officer of IBM, Effective April 6, 2020; Chief Executive Officer of IBM; Chief Executive Officer
2020-04-29 update person_title Bob Lord: Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications, IBM => Senior Vice President, Cognitive Applications
2020-04-29 update person_title Bridget van Kralingen: Senior Vice President => Senior Vice President, Global Markets
2020-04-29 update person_title Christina Montgomery: VP, Chief Privacy Officer, IBM => Vice President; Chief Privacy Officer
2020-04-29 update person_title Diane Gherson: CHRO, IBM => Senior Vice President and CHRO
2020-04-29 update person_title Dr. John E. Kelly III: Executive Vice President, IBM => Executive Vice President
2020-04-29 update person_title John Granger: Senior Vice President, Cloud Application Innovation, IBM Global Business Services => Senior Vice President, Cloud Application Innovation and COO, IBM Global Business Services
2020-04-29 update person_title Mark Foster: Senior Vice President, IBM Services and Global Business Services => Senior Vice President
2020-04-29 update person_title Michelle Peluso: SVP, Digital Sales & Chief Marketing Officer IBM => Senior Vice President, Digital Sales and Chief Marketing Officer