Updated 30 days ago
- Age: 51 years
- ID: 46846130/34
Launching in 2021, MAHQ is proud to announce its official Peer-Reviewed Journal, IMPAQT: The Journal of The Michigan Association for Healthcare Quality. We would like to deeply thank the MAHQ Student Ambassadors and members of the Education Committee for working tirelessly to make this concept into a reality. We aim to embrace and reflect our adopted MAHQ Pillars through IMPAQT to provide our members with the foundational information needed to deliver healthcare in an interdisciplinary and innovative way... The Michigan Association for Healthcare Quality (MAHQ) was established in 1974. Since that time, it has been committed to improving the delivery of quality healthcare by promoting the professional development of its members who work in healthcare roles or promote quality improvement, and educating the healthcare community-at-large about quality improvement methods and best practices. MAHQ is also committed to supporting the education and professional development of students from..
Also known as: Michigan Association