Updated 3 days ago
Mezobyte is a proudly South African IT company. We have office in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Colorado, USA. We specialise in Voice, Managed IT, Connectivity and IT Consulting. Mezobyte consolidates over 30 years of technical experience into an expanded service offering to our customers. Our main goal is to offer you the best IT experience you have ever had and to grow our footprint globally...
Mezobyte is committed to invest in the upliftment of disadvantaged communities and remains committed to continue with this practice throughout our sustainable finance practices and policies of extending the impact of projects to embrace more beneficiaries. Mezobyte assist emerging entrepreneurs through preferential procurement and training opportunities. Our business relationships and practices are transparent and fair...
with us IT is easier. anywhere. everywhere. Mezobyte specialises in Voice / Telephony Services, Managed IT Services, Connectivity and IT Consulting Services.