Updated 42 days ago
Auf der Alten Burg 6 53639 Königswinter Germany
We are committed to the successful history of our company and therefore attach great importance to adhering to our proven quality criteria. Attributes such as functionality, durability, high quality and individualization set the standard for the further development and differentiation of our portfolio...
Whether large or small, every conference should be well organized and structured - especially technically. We at Brähler Systems have developed our brählerOS software for this purpose, which allows you to prepare, control and manage your conferences before and after the event...
We look back with pride on our successful company history, but we do not rest on our laurels. The Inventors - we are committed to this maxim and always live up to it in your interest. Day by day. 24/7. Worldwide.
Also known as: Braehler Systems GmbH, Brähler Systems GmbH
Registration numbers: HRB 15110 (W)
VAT numbers: DE320464967
Associated domains:,,