Updated 7 days ago
At 1800Acupuncture.com, we are committed to accuracy and transparency. We strive to deliver an exemplary user experience and the professionalism today's consumers deserve and expect. Our acupuncturist members benefit from our commitment to transparency, and our dedication to delivering powerful reach and messaging to enable them to connect with their audience...
1800Acupuncture.com is a premier solution for those interested in learning more about the health and wellness benefits associated with acupuncture and other modalities within traditional Chinese medicine...
We provide current, accurate educational information, news, links to medical studies and clinical trials in an effort to help our users achieve better health and a higher quality of life. We also connect our users with reputable acupuncturists, licensed to operate within their geographic area, as well as other related events and resources.
Also known as: 1800Acupuncture.com