Updated 3 days ago
Buitenvaart 4001 7905 TC Hoogeveen Postal address Postbus 11 7900 AA Hoogeveen
Uniekaas is a proud partner of De Goudse Waag. In this historic weigh house, cheese products used to be weighed and traded. Today, it houses the Cheese and Crafts Museum...
Uniekaas Holland BV is part of the DMK Group, one of the largest dairy concerns in Germany. Every year, the DMK Group processes 6.3 billion kilos of milk into dairy products. From cheese, fresh dairy products and ingredients to baby food, ice cream and whey products...
DOC Kaas U.A. is a traditional Dutch cheese manufacturer with a long and rich history. We have been producing dairy products at Alteveerstraat since 1895. Not far from there, at Zuivelpark in Hoogeveen, is our largest production location which was put into operation in 2003. We work from both locations to produce a wide range of top-quality dairy products.
Also known as: Uniekaas, Uniekaas Holland B.V.
Associated domains: uniekaasholland.com