N2NGOM.NET - History of Changes

2024-12-02 delete source_ip
2024-12-02 insert source_ip
2024-07-25 delete otherexecutives Jorge Zavala
2024-07-25 delete otherexecutives Steven DiMarco
2024-07-25 delete person Dr. Erik Cordes
2024-07-25 delete person Jorge Zavala
2024-07-25 delete person Steven DiMarco
2024-07-25 update person_title Dr. Katya Wowk: Chairman of Community Resilience & Director of Texas OneGulf, Harte Research Institute for the Gulf of Mexico Studies / Co - PI, N2N - GoM; Member of the Planning Committee => Senior Social Scientist, the Water Institute / Co - PI, N2N - GoM; Member of the Planning Committee
2024-07-25 update person_title Dr. Sharon Herzka: Member of the Planning Committee; Research Professor, Ensenada 's Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education ( CICESE ) Co - PI, N2N - GoM => Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin / Co - PI, N2N - GoM; Member of the Planning Committee
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Dr. Alberto Muñoz
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Dr. Jorge Brenner
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Dr. Katya Wowk
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Dr. Khalil Dirani
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Dr. Sharon Herzka
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Dr. Zenon Medina-Cetina
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Fathi Ghorbel
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Jorge Zavala
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Jose Miguel Varela
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Julie Loisel
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Kim Faulk
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Maria Alejandra Navarrete-Hernandez
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Ricardo Bello-Bolio
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Steven DiMarco
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Steven Johnson
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Victor Gutierrez
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Xavier Chiappa-Carrara
2023-10-09 insert support_emails su..@yoursite.com
2023-10-09 delete person Alicia Navarrete Alonso
2023-10-09 delete person Dr. Jack Baldauf
2023-10-09 delete person Dr. Kateryna Wowk
2023-10-09 insert address 12345 North Main Street, New York, NY 555555
2023-10-09 insert email su..@yoursite.com
2023-10-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2023-10-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2023-10-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2023-10-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Becky Allee
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Carmen Pedroza
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Elva Escobar Briones
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Erik Cordes
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Evelia Rivera Arriaga
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Gerardo Gold
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Hector Garcia Nava
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Isaac Azuz
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Jorge Brenner
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Katya Wowk
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Laura Elena Vidal Hernandez
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Pamela Jenkins
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Renee Collini
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Rodolfo Silva Casarin
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Samuel Brody
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Silvia Salas Marquez
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. William Butler
2023-10-09 insert person Dr. Yu Zhang
2023-10-09 insert person Elio Villasenor
2023-10-09 insert person Fathi Ghorbel
2023-10-09 insert person Favio Medrano
2023-10-09 insert person Felimon Gayanilo
2023-10-09 insert person Jorge Zavala
2023-10-09 insert person Jose Miguel Varela
2023-10-09 insert person Julie Loisel
2023-10-09 insert person Kim Faulk
2023-10-09 insert person Maria Alejandra Navarrete-Hernandez
2023-10-09 insert person Miriam Olivares
2023-10-09 insert person Saul Delgadillo
2023-10-09 insert person Steven DiMarco
2023-10-09 insert person Steven Johnson
2023-10-09 insert person Xavier Chiappa-Carrara
2023-10-09 insert phone 1.800.555.6789
2023-10-09 update person_title Araceli Lopez-Acosta: Lab Coordinator, Stochastic Geomechanics Laboratory ( SGL ) => N2N - GoM Communications Coordinator
2023-10-09 update person_title Dr. Alberto Muñoz: Lead, Data Science Working Team / Chief Innovation Officer, Grupo Plenum => Member of the Planning Committee; Professor, Tecnologico De Monterrrey / Chief Information Officer, Plenumsoft
2023-10-09 update person_title Dr. Khalil Dirani: Co - Lead, Governance Working Team / Associate Professor, Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, Texas a & M University => Member of the Planning Committee; Professor, Texas a & M University ( TAMU ) Co - PI, N2N - GoM
2023-10-09 update person_title Dr. Sharon Herzka: Lead, Governance Working Team / Research Professor, Ensenada 's Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education ( CICESE ) => Member of the Planning Committee; Research Professor, Ensenada 's Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education ( CICESE ) Co - PI, N2N - GoM
2023-10-09 update person_title Dr. Zenon Medina-Cetina: Lead, N2N - GoM => Associate Professor, Texas a & M University ( TAMU ); Member of the Planning Committee
2023-10-09 update person_title Ricardo Bello-Bolio: General Director for Research and Innovation, Secretaría De Investigación, Innovación Y Educación Superior Del Gobierno Del Estado De Yucatán ( SIIES ) => Mexico Lead, Yucatan Initiative Project; Member of the Steering Committee
2023-10-09 update person_title Victor Gutierrez: Co - Lead, Data Science Working Team / President, Grupo Plenum => Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Plenumsoft / Co - PI, N2N - GoM; Member of the Planning Committee
2023-10-09 update primary_contact null => 12345 North Main Street, New York, NY 555555