Updated 624 days ago
Operation center 2850, King Street East, Sherbrooke, Qc, J1G 5H3
Today, PMCtire is a Canadian leader in online sales of tires, wheels and replacement parts. We have a continuous improvement approach and always have new ideas in development. Our ultimate goal is to expand our market to the entire world and to offer, with the help of technology, quality information to consumers about their vehicle... At PMCtire, we are always looking to the future, thinking today about the safety of drivers and their passengers and anticipating tomorrow's needs to always offer the best products from a multitude of major brands at unparalleled prices... The PMCtire adventure began in 2008 with the two founding members, Pascal Boutin and Yannick Plante. "At that time, our warehouse was a residential garage, our customer service was a small residential office, and our budget was a $5000 line of credit! We did not know the Web world, only tires, marketing and management. Since then, we have worked hard to improve our product offering and upgrade our e-commerce..