Date | Description |
2024-09-30 |
insert chairman Megha Bhushan |
2024-09-30 |
delete address 6, Campanillas, 29071 Málaga, Spain |
2024-09-30 |
delete index_pages_linkeddomain |
2024-09-30 |
insert index_pages_linkeddomain |
2024-09-30 |
insert index_pages_linkeddomain |
2024-09-30 |
insert person Megha Bhushan |
2024-09-30 |
update primary_contact 6, Campanillas, 29071 Málaga, Spain => null |
2024-05-29 |
delete chairman Redha Taiar |
2024-05-29 |
delete otherexecutives Beata Mrugalska |
2024-05-29 |
insert chairman Antonio López |
2024-05-29 |
delete address Rue du Bugnon 46, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland |
2024-05-29 |
delete person Beata Mrugalska |
2024-05-29 |
delete person Redha Taiar |
2024-05-29 |
insert address 6, Campanillas, 29071 Málaga, Spain |
2024-05-29 |
insert person Antonio López |
2024-05-29 |
update primary_contact Rue du Bugnon 46, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland => 6, Campanillas, 29071 Málaga, Spain |
2023-07-01 |
delete otherexecutives Fabien Bogard |
2023-07-01 |
insert otherexecutives Vincent Gremeaux |
2023-07-01 |
delete person Fabien Bogard |
2023-07-01 |
insert person Vincent Gremeaux |
2023-05-30 |
delete otherexecutives Tareq Ahram |
2023-05-30 |
delete address 24 Avenue des Diables Bleus, 06300 Nice, France |
2023-05-30 |
delete person Tareq Ahram |
2023-05-30 |
update primary_contact 24 Avenue des Diables Bleus, 06300 Nice, France => null |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Alexander Gerashchenko |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Antonova Nadia |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Christianne Falcao |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Nirmalya Thakur |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Petr Svoboda |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Shrikant Pawar |
2021-12-12 |
insert chairman Shuichi Fukuda |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Abdi Ellie |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Aldini Alessandro |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Aleksandra Polak |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Alex Kuchumov |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Alexander Gerashchenko |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Amaral Mendonça Vanessa |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Andreas Papageorgiou |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Bartosz Molik |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Beata Mrugalska |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Carlos Raymundo |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Christianne Falcao |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Christiano Machado |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Clint Hansen |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Danúbia Da Cunha de Sá-Caputo |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Eduardo Chavez |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Fabien Bogard |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives François Constant Boyer |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives François Fourchet |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Helene Pillet |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Jean Marc |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Jeong Jihoon |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Jihoon Jeong |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Jonathan Pierret |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives José Rouillard |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Julien Cegarra |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Kuchumov Alex |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Laskin James |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Lee Ostrom |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Ling Cheung |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Luis Serpa-Andrade |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Machado Christiano |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Marc Seigneur Jean |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Mario Bernardo Filho |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Max Friedrich |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Michele Di Sivo |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Molik Bartosz |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Nirmalya Thakur |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Petr Svoboda |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Ralf Philipsen |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Rey Gaëtan |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Sañudo Corrales Borja |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Shrikant Pawar |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Sibashis Parida |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Suranga Nanayakkara |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Tao Lin |
2021-12-12 |
insert otherexecutives Yousif Abdelrahim |
2021-12-12 |
delete person C. Ana |
2021-12-12 |
insert address 24 Avenue des Diables Bleus, 06300 Nice, France |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Abdi Ellie |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Aldini Alessandro |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Aleksandra Polak |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Alex Kuchumov |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Alexander Gerashchenko |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Amaral Mendonça Vanessa |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Andreas Papageorgiou |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Antonova Nadia |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Bartosz Molik |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Beata Mrugalska |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Carlos Raymundo |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Christianne Falcao |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Christiano Machado |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Clint Hansen |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Danúbia Da Cunha de Sá-Caputo |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Eduardo Chavez |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Fabien Bogard |
2021-12-12 |
insert person François Constant Boyer |
2021-12-12 |
insert person François Fourchet |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Helene Pillet |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Jean Marc |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Jeong Jihoon |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Jihoon Jeong |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Jonathan Pierret |
2021-12-12 |
insert person José Rouillard |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Julien Cegarra |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Laskin James |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Lee Ostrom |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Ling Cheung |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Luis Serpa-Andrade |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Machado Christiano |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Marc Seigneur Jean |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Mario Bernardo Filho |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Max Friedrich |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Michele Di Sivo |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Molik Bartosz |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Nirmalya Thakur |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Petr Svoboda |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Ralf Philipsen |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Rey Gaëtan |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Sañudo Corrales Borja |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Shrikant Pawar |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Shuichi Fukuda |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Sibashis Parida |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Suranga Nanayakkara |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Tao Lin |
2021-12-12 |
insert person Yousif Abdelrahim |
2021-12-12 |
update person_title Kuchumov Alex: Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board => Member of the Board; National Research Polytechnic University ), Russia; Perm National Research Polytechnic University ), Russia |
2021-12-12 |
update primary_contact null => 24 Avenue des Diables Bleus, 06300 Nice, France |
2021-06-15 |
delete address 18 Bis Rue de Javel, 75015 Paris, France |
2021-06-15 |
delete index_pages_linkeddomain |
2021-06-15 |
update primary_contact 18 Bis Rue de Javel, 75015 Paris, France => null |