Adele Raynes

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Architectural Consultant
Adele is a freelance architectural consultant working with Hallam Consulting on the preparation of permitted development and planning application designs. Adele was previously an Architect for two central London practices where her work focused on residential design.

Genevieve Hallam

Job Titles:
  • Director
Gen provides Hallam Consulting's in-house project support and business management. After graduating from the University of Leeds in 1999, she spent thirteen years working in Transport Planning and Development for large multi-disciplinary consultancies including Arup, Atkins and Mouchel preparing planning applications for large scale residential and commercial developments in London and the south-east within multi-disciplinary teams.

Pauline Mann

Job Titles:
  • Consulting Engineer
  • Freelance Chartered Structural Engineer
Pauline is a freelance Chartered Structural Engineer with over 20 years of experience. She leads Hallam Consulting's structural design services and specialises in residential remodelling, refurbishments and extensions. Pauline's experience includes a varied portfolio of work spanning education, commercial and residential projects.

Tom Hallam

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Chartered Civil Engineer
Tom is a Chartered Civil Engineer with more than 25 years of experience working in residential, cultural and commercial development. After graduating from the University of Leeds in 1999, Tom started his career at a consultancy in Cambridge before moving to London to work with BDP and Ramboll, formerly WhitbyBird. With BDP and Ramboll he worked on a variety of projects including the British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre, Hepworth Gallery Wakefield, Aylesbury Waterside Theatre and Fitzroy Place London. Since setting up Hallam Consulting in 2012, Tom has amassed a portfolio of residential, commercial, cultural, heritage and renovation projects, many of which involved listed building and conservation area buildings in and around Hertfordshire and London.