LOYOLA - Key Persons

Adriana Gaviria

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor
  • Coordinator of the
  • Economics
Adriana Gaviria is the Coordinator of TheMissionLab and post-doc researcher at the Loyola Behavioral Lab. Previously she was associate researcher at Democracy Observatory, Los Andes University in Bogotá (Colombia). She has a long experience on public policy evaluations. She completed a PhD in Economics at Fluminense Federal University under the supervision of Roldan Muradian and Juan Camilo Cárdenas. Previously, she earned a MSc degree in Cultural Studies from Los Andes University (2011-2013) and a BSc in Economics from Los Andes University (2006 - 2011).

Alejandro Cruzado Rey

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Alfonso C. Martínez

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor
  • Researcher
Alfonso is Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods at Loyola University since 2010. Previously he was Coordinator of Technologies at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Cordoba (1988-2013). His research focused on evolutionary computation, neural networks and machine learning. He is member of the Artificial and Neural Network Research Group, Red Andaluza RADI-ABI and Red Tamida on Data Mining.

Ana Hernández

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Economic Theory
  • Economics
Ana Hernández is Associate Professor of Economic Theory (Microeconomics) at Universidad Loyola since 2016. She defended her PhD thesis in Economics on 2015 at University of Cordoba. Previously she was Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Cordoba (1987-2013). Her research focuses on Development Economics, Implementation and monitoring of Agenda 2030, International Cooperation and Behavioral Economics. She es members of the Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES). She is Co-PI of the Red Española de Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento (e3c).

Antonio Alfonso Costillo

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor of Economics at Loyola Andalucia University
  • Economics
Antonio Alfonso Costillo is Assistant Professor of Economics at Loyola Andalucia University. Previously he was TA at Loyola Economics (2020-2022), Pablo de Olavide University (2019-2020) and data scientist at Pablo de Olavide University (2018-2019). He completed a PhD in Economics at Pablo de Olavide University under the supervision of Dunia López-Pintado and Pablo Brañas. Previously, he earned a MSc degree in Quantitative Economics at the University of Alicante (2015 - 2017), a BA in Economic Analysis at Pablo de Olavide (2011 - 2015) and a BSc Engineering at the University of Seville (2006 - 2010).

Antonio Cabrales

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Professor
  • Professor of Economics at University College London
Antonio Cabrales is Professor of Economics at University College London. Formerly, he was a Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and Universidad Carlos III. Professor Cabrales does research on education, labor markets, network and theory. He uses real and experimental data in his research. Prof. Cabrales is former President of the Spanish Economic Association.

Antonio M. Espin

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Associate Professor
  • Research Fellow at the University of Granada
Antonio M. Espin is an Athenea 3i Research Fellow at the University of Granada (Department of Social Anthropology). Prior to this position, he was post-doctoral researcher at Middlesex University London. He holds a degree in Economics and obtained his PhD in Behavioral Economics from the University of Granada, under the supervision of Pablo Brañas-Garza. He was also a visiting PhD student at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (supervisor: Rosemarie Nagel) and University of Nottingham (supervisor: Simon Gächter). His main research interests are focused on the psychological and biological underpinnings of human social behavior, including the analysis of the proximate and ultimate (evolutionary) explanations of cooperation and norm-enforcement mechanisms. In addition, he has been co-founder and manager of two companies in the private sector and currently serve as board member of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision-making Studies (SEJyD) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy.

Anxo Sánchez

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Senior Lecturer / Mathematics
  • Networks
  • Professor of Applied Mathematics at Universidad Carlos III
Anxo Sánchez is Professor of Applied Mathematics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he founded the Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC). A theoretical physicist by training, he does research on complex system, with emphasis on applications in social systems, using mathematical approaches, numerical simulations, and experiments.

Armando Javier Balón

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

Carlos Ramos

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Castilla Aguayo

Job Titles:
  • Escritor

Cristian Olarte

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

Dayana Grajales

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

Diego González

Job Titles:
  • Development Economics
  • Economics

Diego Jorrat

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department
  • Design of a Results and Impact Evaluation Mechanism for PRPEES Programme in Central America
  • Economics
Diego Jorrat is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Loyola University since August 2021. He completed a PhD in Economics (with honors) in 2021 at the same university and was PhD visiting student at Middlesex University (2020). Previously he completed an MA. in Economics at the Universidad San Andrés (2016), and between 2016 and 2018 worked as Director of the Impact Evaluation Unit at Buenos Aires City Government. Design of a results and impact evaluation mechanism for PRPEES Programme in Central America

Emilio Nieto

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Emilio Pericet

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

Ericka Rascon Ramirez

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor in Development Economics at Middlesex University London
Ericka Rascon Ramirez is a Associate Professor in Development Economics at Middlesex University London since 2015. She studied a MSc in Economics at UCL and the PhD in Economics at Essex. Previously, she worked for the Office of the President in Mexico, the Mexican Ministry of Social Development and The World Bank. Ericka's research experience is in applied econometrics, development, behavioural and experimental economics. She has evaluated and designed field experiments in Africa and Latin America. Her research focuses on how parents influence child development and adolescent behaviour, as well as how interventions can influence children's and young people's behaviour.

Esperanza Espino

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

Filippos Exadaktylos

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Gonzalo Llamosas

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Ignacio Garijo Campos

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Jaromir Kovarik

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor of Economics at the University
  • Networks
Jaromir Kovarik is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country and Senior Researcher in CERGE-EI. He holds a PhD in from the University of Alicante. He investigates social norms, social preferences and social networks, and their dynamics. His research is both theoretical and empirical: he uses experiments, real-life data, theoretical models, and occasionally computer simulations. He has published his research in economics, biology, sociology, and behavioral sciences.

Javier María González-Jurado

Job Titles:
  • International Relations

Javier Rodero

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Associate Professor
  • Professor
Javier Rodero is Professor of Economics at University of Malaga.

Juan B. González

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Juana Castro

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Laura Padilla Angulo

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor
  • Researcher
  • Associate Professor of Economics
Laura Padilla Angulo is Associate Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Loyola University since August 2015. Previously, she was Assistant Professor of Economics at the business school Groupe ESC Troyes en Champagne, now Y Schools (2010-2015) and prior to that, she worked as economic consultant in Belgium. Her research interests lie in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Employee Wellbeing, Corporate Governance and Corporate Strategies.

Lorenzo Estepa

Job Titles:
  • Fundación ETEA and Adjunct Professor
  • Researcher at ETEA
Lorenzo Estepa is a researcher at ETEA - Instituto de Desarrollo at Loyola University. Hi research focuses on territorial rural development, public policy in rural development and poverty. He teaches Public Policy Evaluation. He has been leading field projects on rural development in Latin America and Asia for 20 years. He completed a PhD in Behavioral Development Economics in 2022 at Loyola University and was PhD visiting student at Middlesex University (2020). Previously he completed a MRes on Social Sciences Methods at the Universidad de Córdoba (2013).

Luis Amador

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor
  • Researcher
  • Associate Professor of Economic Theory at Loyola University
Luis Amador is Associate Professor of Economic Theory at Loyola University since 2013. Previously he was Associate Professor of Microeconomics at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Cordoba (1988-2013). He works on sustainable development and tourism.

Luis Rivero Jiménez

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

M. Carmen López

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Economic Theory
M. Carmen López is Associate Professor of Economic Theory (Macroeconomics) and Financial Markets at Loyola University since 2014. Previously, she was Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at ETEA-University of Córdoba (1989-2013).

Manuel del Moral Cabrero

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Manuel Redondo

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

María A. Alaminos

Job Titles:
  • International Relations

María C. López

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor
  • Researcher
  • Economics
Her research focuses on financial markets, development economics, social innovation and behavioral economics. Since 2018 she has conducted two large experiments: a network experiment in the lab (n=600) and an impact evaluation (diff-in-diff) in the field (n=250).

María García Velasco

Job Titles:
  • Economics

María José Vázquez

Job Titles:
  • Fundación ETEA and Adjunct Professor
  • Research Fellow
María José Vázquez is a research fellow in development studies, poverty and evaluation at ETEA, Development Institute of Loyola University. She teaches International Economy. She has been working in the field of development, poverty and international cooperation in developing countries (Latin America and Magreb) for 20 years. She completed a PhD in Inclusive and Sustainable Development (with honors) in 2019 at Loyola University. Previously she completed an Expert Postgraduate in Leadership and Social Innovation in Non-profit Organizations in ESADE (2008). She was a visiting professor in Universidad Centroamericana de Nicaragua (2001-2002).

María Paz Espinosa

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher and Professor
  • Professor of Economics at the University
María Paz Espinosa is Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country. She completed a PhD in Economics in Harvard University. She works on Industrial Organization and Behavioral Economics. In the field of Behavioral Economics she is currently working on social networks and risk preferences elicitation. She has published in top journals like QJE, Rand, Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. She is former President of the Spanish Economic Association.

Mónica Vasco

Job Titles:
  • Affiliated Researcher
  • Data Manager of TeensLab
  • Networks
Mónica Vasco is currently postdoc at Los Angeles Behavioral Economics Laboratory (LABEL) in University of Southern California. She completed a PhD in Data Science/Experimental Economics under the supervision of Prof. Pablo Brañas and Prof. Jaromir Kovarik. I. She obtained a MSc in Economics at the University of the Basque Country (2022) under the supervision of Prof. María Paz Espinosa and Prof. Jaromir Kovarik. In addition, she obtained a MSc in Data Analysis at Loyola (2021) under the supervision of Prof. Pablo Brañas. Prior to that, she completed a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics and a second Bachelor's degree in Law at Loyola University (2020). Her main interests are in Behavioural Economics and Impact Evaluation.

Natalia Jimenez

Job Titles:
  • Labour Markets

Noelia Rivera

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor
  • Researcher
  • Associate Professor at the Department of Economics
  • Economics
Noelia Rivera is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at Loyola University since December 2022. Previously, she was Assitant Professor at Loyola University (2019-2022), Teaching Assistant at Universidad de Alicante (2014-2019) and Universidad Pablo de Olavide (2011-2012). She completed a PhD in Economics in 2019 at the Universidad de Alicante. Previously she completed a MSc in Quantitative Economics (Universidad de Alicante, 2016) and MSc in Welfare Economics (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2012). She was PhD visiting student at the Economics Department at San Diego State University (2018).

Pablo Brañas

Job Titles:
  • Director and Professor
  • European Research Executive Agency ( 2023 - 2026 )
  • Professor of Behavioural Economics at Universidad
Pablo Brañas is Professor of Behavioural Economics at Universidad Loyola since April 2018. Previously, he was Professor of Behavioural Economics at Middlesex University London (2012-18) and Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Granada (2009-12). Previously, he served as President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (2016-18), Associate Editor at JBEE and PLoS ONE.

Pablo Lomas

Job Titles:
  • Psychology
  • Student and GRA
Pablo Montero is the field coordinator of the TeensLab and has been coordinating experiments in many Andalusian secondary schools. He earned a double degree in Economics + Business Administration at the University of Málaga (2021). In 2022, he completed a MSc in Data Analysis at Loyola under the supervision of Prof. Diego Jorrat. Currently he is coursing a PhD program in Behavioral Economics in Loyola under the supervision of Prof. Pablo Brañas and his current research interest is related to the strategic behavior in adolescents.

Pablo Montero

Job Titles:
  • Field Coordinator of the TeensLab
Pablo Montero is the field coordinator of the TeensLab and has been coordinating experiments in many Andalusian secondary schools. He earned a double degree in Economics + Business Administration at the University of Málaga (2021). In 2022, he completed a MSc in Data Analysis at Loyola under the supervision of Prof. Diego Jorrat. Currently he is coursing a PhD program in Behavioral Economics in Loyola under the supervision of Prof. Pablo Brañas and his current research interest is related to the strategic behavior in adolescents.

Paloma Ubeda Molla

Job Titles:
  • Public Economics

Patricia Román

Job Titles:
  • Psychology

Paula Piña

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Pedro Caldentey

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Sergio Martín Álvarez

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Álvaro Fernández Valle

Job Titles:
  • Economics

Ángela Sánchez

Job Titles:
  • Economics