Sam Mercado

Job Titles:
  • Founder and President of Good Credit Ahead Credit Repair
Sam Mercado, founder and president of Good Credit Ahead Credit Repair, is a U.S. Army veteran who holds a degree in marketing and business management. A financial consultant and real estate broker, he has over 20 years of experience handling sales of small businesses and start-ups, as well as residential and investment homes. Sam founded Good Credit Ahead Credit Repair as a result both of his professional and personal experience. "Financial transactions can fall apart for any number of reasons, but most of the time it relates to a credit issue," he says. "Speaking for myself, when I first got out of the Army I had difficulty getting a good job with a salary to fully support my family and I started to create credit issues of my own. Consequently, I couldn't qualify to buy a house or a car and my family was suffering. I learned from the ‘school of hard knocks' the importance of good credit. More importantly, I learned how to get and maintain good credit. I've applied those lessons to helping other people achieve their credit goals." Today, happily married with three children, a grandchild and two homes, Sam is a testament to how good credit leads to a better lifestyle. He wants you to experience the same good fortune. "I've counseled hundreds of people how to achieve their goals and maintain good credit," he says. "Good credit helps you save money, make more educated purchases, and plan for a comfortable retirement. At the end of the day, it's not just what money you have and what you can buy with it, but also what you can leave behind for your children. That's my goal for each and every person who chooses to work with us at Good Credit Ahead Credit Repair."