Updated 1050 days ago
PO Box 50424 Santa Barbara, CA 93150
Our mission is to infuse higher consciousness into business and practices, transforming how entrepreneurs think and act as they build and run their companies - with software templates that minimize mistakes and maximize success, enabling you to offer your products and services to make a difference...
There are many useful products and services that never make it to market (or they don't last very long), most often due to their creators' inexperience with the business side of business. We provide tools that help entrepreneurs and business owners do business better - so they can focus on developing their products and ideas. Who knows? Their next great idea could benefit all of us...
For more than 30 years, we've focused exclusively on developing business software and fully-scripted and formatted templates to help entrepreneurs and business owners to complete important business projects in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take to do them from scratch.
Also known as: JIAN Tools For Sales, Inc.
Associated domains: employeemanualmaker.com, employeerecordbuilder.com, lifeplanbuilder.com, sellingpowertools.com