Updated 5 days ago
23123 -500 Fairway Rd. S. Kitchener,ON N2C 1X3 Canada
We understand business to be similar to the medical profession in one aspect. There are many experts available for cardiology, cancer, marketing, taxes, etc. The problem is your family doctor. If he gives you the wrong diagnosis or sends you home with aspirin when you are having a stroke, then you're in trouble. If your business is suffering from poor HR practices or management attitude and you go to a marketing expert, you are going to fail, no matter how much money you spend or how capable that expert is in his field...
Doctor Profit consists of a group of committed entrepreneurs and professionals who are dedicated to the profitable development of your business...
Doctor Profit Inc offers a wide range of consulting services including corporate sales training and marketing expertise in Kitchener Waterloo and more.
Also known as: Doctor Profit Inc