ACESTES - Key Persons

Louis Amalorpavanathan - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
  • Member of the Management Team
Louis started his career as a professional football player in his youth. Since then he has accumulated more than 2 decades of experience in investigation, claims adjusting and security management, and consultation. As the founder of the Company, Louis started Acestes Pte Ltd in 2014 to provide lower-income Singaporeans the opportunities to regain their self-respect and a better livelihood for themselves and their families through a stable job and increasing income. Today, the Company provides customers with one-stop service and solutions in security, investigation, insurance claims adjusting, training, and consultancy. Louis was an ex-National Footballer as he has been very passionate about sports, especially soccer, since young. He believed that sports is a great enabler and have been actively reaching out to the at-risk youths through sports. He is also the driving force behind the Company's partnership with charities and non-profit organizations such as Teen Challenge (a care and recovery center which provides rehabilitation for alcohol and drug abusers and individuals with addiction issues), Boys Town (whose mission is to help children and youth in need become socially integrated, responsible, and contributing members of society), CARE (Children-At-Risk-Empowerment), and non-profit organizations such as Sportif Youth ( whose mission is to empower youth through sports and community service), to support our youth from lower-income families with sporting opportunities and platforms so that they can grow up with the right mindset amidst a healthy environment.

Teresa Karen Sia

Job Titles:
  • Chief Human Resource Officer / Chief Financial Officer
Teresa graduated with a 2nd (Upper) Honours in Business Administration from the University of Singapore prior to joining the workforce. Teresa has more than 20 years of experience in people & corporate development in MNCs, SMEs and the public sector and is a qualified adult educator. She attained the Chartered member status of CIPD, the largest professional body for HR and people development in UK, since 2016. Teresa joins our Company in 2020 to champion better work and better life. She helms the HR & Finance functions and is also actively involved in the Company's strategic planning, as well as CSR Staff Welfare projects.