Updated 20 days ago
599 Walter Library 117 Pleasant Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 United States
Research Computing helps to enable and accelerate compute, data, and spatial research at the University of Minnesota. As a unit of the Research and Innovation Office, Research Computing is the administrative organization that oversees the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, U-Spatial, and the Data Science Initiative. Research Computing seeks to coordinate its member units to increase the visibility of their respective services, effectively collaborate and partner with all UMN campuses and national computing and IT providers, and provide a seamless user experience to the University's research and scholarly communities... Research Computing covers a broad range of research needs from advanced computing and data storage hardware, to dedicated expertise, software, training, and seed grants. See below for more information on how Research Computing can help to advance your research goals... Research Computing is a unit of the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) at the..