SEIU 722
Updated 904 days ago
1673 Columbia Rd, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20009
Focused on uniting workers in four sectors--hospital systems, long term care, property services, and public services--SEIU is the largest health care union...
Understaffing in our hospitals and other health facilities drives down the quality of care and drives health care workers away from the profession. We are working to improve staffing levels, protect quality care standards, and eliminate mandatory overtime that puts patients at risk...
At a time when nurses and other health care staff are leaving their professions in droves because of abysmal working conditions, we're bargaining for improvements in pay, benefits, working conditions, and patient care decisions. We want to keep passionate and skilled caregivers in our hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care institutions in order to provide the level of care Americans expect and deserve.
Also known as: SEIU