
J.S.Singh spearheads business development initiatives and helps architect Safex Engineers entry into global markets. He has done his BS in Mechanical Engineering and Masters from USA.. Prior to joining Safex, J.S.Singh has worked with various Fortune 500 companies in USA, in various functions like Projects Management and Delivery, Technology, Sales & Marketing. J.S.Singh brings to Safex, the rich experience of 10 years in different industries.


M.K.Assudani co-founded Safex group of companies along with two other experienced manufacturing industry professionals. M.K.Assudani spearheads Safex business development initiatives and helps architect Safex's entry into global markets His responsibilities encompass, providing strategic direction to the company, corporate planning, corporate finance, and corporate marketing & client relations. Prior to co-founding Safex Group of Companies, M.K.Assudani has worked in various Industries. He brings to Safex, the rich experience of 38 years in Manufacturing Industry. He champions Safex Quality & Process initiatives and oversees building infrastructure and solutions that are instrumental in driving major financial and operational benefits to Safex's clients.