Miss Coralleigh Ward

Job Titles:
  • New Member
Coralleigh is a new member to our team in February 2024. She is a mental health nurse. She is here to see any patients with mental health problems, these include anxiety, depression, or any mood related disorder. Appointments can be made through our reception staff.

Miss Sameera Mank

Job Titles:
  • Attached Staff Member
Sameera is a pharmacist. She will speak to patients when they need a review of their medication. She will ensure that they are taking their medication as and when it should be and she will also ensure they are aware of why they are taking it. If there are any issues with this, she will always refer to a GP.

Mr Paul Sanderson

Job Titles:
  • Attached Staff Member

Mr Peter Harris

Job Titles:
  • Attached Staff Member

Mrs Julie Ritchie

Julie puts all your information onto the computer from your medical records when you are new to the practice. She also keeps your records updated when you visit the hospital or other clinics. Julie is also a Phlebotomist, which means if the doctor or nurse request that you have a blood test she will be one of two people who will take the blood from you.

Mrs Karen Mullineux

Karen deals with all the referrals the doctors make to the specialists at the hospital. She types the letters and sends all the referral information via an electronic service named "Choose and Book".

Mrs Linda Heywood

Job Titles:
  • Practice Manager
Has recently been promoted to Assistant Practice Manager. She helps Linda to organise and run the practice. She also has to ensure that the staff rota is organised and that there are enough staff in the office in order to deliver a good level of service for our patients.

Mrs Rafah Abdorab

Job Titles:
  • Attached Staff Member

Ms Debbra Greenacre

Job Titles:
  • Reception