Updated 337 days ago
Our approach is deeply rooted in wound care medtech distribution, digital health, and award-winning delivery of real world wound care services, spanning five continents... Advanced Wound Care Global has deep experience developing, directing, and advising AWC Centres of Excellence, medtech distribution, and other programs across multiple healthcare markets (developed, emerging, and frontier). Our management team, via Diligence Wound Care Global, also advises leading AWC investors, services firms, and the majority of the top international AWC medtech brands. We currently have several projects in development, and are actively assessing additional partners, technologies, and ventures... Today, my involvement in the wound care industry is deeper than ever through our operating businesses, portfolio companies, industry events, and professional affiliations. Through Diligence Wound Care Global, I've advised 80% of the top 20 global wound care brands and played integral roles in significant..
Also known as: Wound Care Global Holdings LLC
Associated domains: advancedwoundcareglobal.com