Updated 19 days ago
2860 Zanker Suite 202 San Jose, California 95134 United States of America
Infinisim, Inc is a privately funded EDA start-up providing verification solutions, primarily targeted towards addressing the challenges of mixed signal designs. Founded by industry luminaries, the Infinisim team has over 50 years of combined expertise in the area of simulation and design...
Infinisim's flagship product RASER™ for mixed-signal design simulation, is based on proprietary Real-time Adaptive Simulation™ (RAS™) technology. Built from the ground up, RAS provides guaranteed SPICE-accurate simulation results with an average of 50 times higher throughput and capacity for large circuits...
Infinisim has developed a dynamic clock analysis tool, ClockEdge™, powered by a breakthrough simulation technology that guarantees SPICE accurate results at very high speeds and full-chip capacity. Our patented Real-time Adaptive Simulation™ (RAS™) technology, RASER™, makes the simulation always accurate and always fast.
Also known as: Infinisim, Inc