Updated 168 days ago
- Age: 7 years
- ID: 43861524/36
E4m is a non-profit-corporation operated by a Board of Directors. We have no employees, so our services are carried out by applying the skills and expertise of the individuals in our network of municipal professionals with the need of the municipal client. We often use a team approach so we can capitalize on the experience and skill of those in our network. Each member of our network has a passion and commitment to providing small municipalities with affordable professional services... E4m was founded in 2017. We are a team of municipal experts who are passionate about supporting municipalities in a broad and comprehensive way. We believe in being a piece in the puzzle that empowers excellence in the municipal sector by supporting/providing tools for positive growth and resilience with municipalities through coaching, targeted custom support and wellness resources... Key to the organization is giving back to the sector; twenty percent (20%) of all fees stay within E4m - most of which..