PSP ONLINE - Key Persons

Alexandre Bernard-Rannou

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Alexandre grew up playing sports which inspired him to pursue a career in kinesiology. His sport of passion is basketball where he played all the way up to college AA. "The competitive nature of the sport and the desire to surpass myself took root in me. I recall being down by 15 points in a college basketball final with 45 seconds on the board and winning the match taught me that the match only ends when the buzzer rings. This is true in sport as it is in everything in life." After graduating from Laval University he stayed true to himself and has been working in the field of fitness & sport for over 15 years.

Alyssa Platt

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
graduated from Acadia University with a Bachelors degree of Kinesiology with focus on high performance training and exercise science. Alyssa has played many sports starting from a very young age basketball, soccer, track and field and volleyball. Her passion of sport lead her to pursue a degree in Kinesiology where she could combine her love for sport and fitness with her education. Throughout her post-secondary education, she became heavily involved in varsity athletics as a strength and conditioning coach as well as youth athletic development and training. In 2020, Alyssa joined the PSP team as a Fitness and Sports Instructor and has since been the head coach of the Greenwood Men's Basketball team, became a level 2 Trainer with the CAFATP and most recently completed a secondment as the Aldershot Fitness, Sports and Recreation Coordinator. With her love of sport and fitness she is beyond excited to start her new role in Greenwood. If you have any questions regarding the sport program in Greenwood, feel free to reach out to her at 902-756-1494 ext. 5753 or

Alyssa Steele

Amanda Murphy

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Amanda graduated from University of New Brunswick Science in Kinesiology and in 2014 was hired by PSP as a Fitness & Sports instructor at 5CDSB Gagetown. During her time with PSP she also held the role of PES, Fitness Coordinator, Acting Sports Coordinator and is now the permanent PSP Sports Coordinator at 5 CDSB Gagetown.

Amber Fehr

Job Titles:
  • COORDINATOR, CAF SPORTS ( Interim ) View Bio
From a young age Amber has been involved with sports, playing everything from hockey to basketball to track and field , as well as coaching volleyball and basketball. She has a huge passion for basketball, and has officiated at the college and university level. Since starting work at 3 CDSB Garrison Wainwright in 2017, she has gotten involved with CAF basketball , officiating at the Regional and National level and is now in her second term as the CAF Chief Official for the sport of basketball. In 2022, she had the opportunity to travel to Germany for the 1st CISM Military World 3x3 Basketball Championship as a referee, where she officiated the men's gold medal game. On the base Amber organized all Garrison Wainwright's regional sports teams, hosted multiple Canada West Regional tournaments as well as a National Men's Hockey in 2023, and oversees all the facility and procurement responsibilities for PSP. In her free time, Amber loves to go for walks with her dog and play piano. She also spends a lot of time with her family enjoying whatever comes their way, whether it's paddleboarding, skiing, or running to school sports. During Amber's time with headquarters, she will oversee the CISM program, Sports Awards Ceremony, Women In Sport, and support other National events and initiatives. She can be contacted at:

Andreanne Montigny

Andreanne Montigny OTTAWA: Sports Coordinator Andreanne graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor degree in Human kinetics and is a Coach at Nautilus Plus and crossfit Pursang. Her sports background includes over 20 years as a ringette athlete, triathlon and most recently Crossfit. "I really enjoy being part of the military; it's a world I'm passionate about and it's an honor to be able to support the troops on their journey to an active life." If you're located in National Capital Region (NCR) and looking to get involved in sports, reach out to

Ashley Stewart

Job Titles:
grew up in Ontario playing many sports but spending most of her time in a court playing raquetball. She graduated from Queen's University with a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education, a Bachelor of Science and as aCertified Exercise Physiologist; Ashley has been working in the fitness industry for over 20 years. Before coming to PSP, Ashley led staff and volunteers as the Manager of Membership & Fitness at the Saint John YMCA. Moving to Halifax with her family in 2012, Ashley joined PSP in the summer of 2013 as a Fitness & Sports Instructor, moved into the Fitness and Sports Coordinator position at 12 Wing Shearwater in 2017 and the Fitness, Sports and Recreation Manager at CFB Halifax in 2019. Over the years she has hosted many Regionals, intramurals, worked with a variety of athletes at all levels and loves working with the Atlantic Region to grow and promote the benefits of sport. When she's not at work she spends her time with husband and three daughters; travelling, biking in the summer, cheering in a rink during the winter and volunteering on the local Ringette board.


Job Titles:
  • Sports & Recreation Coordinator View Bio


Job Titles:
  • Chief Information Officer
  • CFMWS Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Information Officer View Bio
Bruce is a retired Canadian Armed Forces Lieutenant-Colonel. As CFMWS Chief Information Officer, Bruce leads the technology strategy of the organization. He is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the NPP network (NPPNet) and the technology that supports CFMWS headquarters and business lines in the delivery of programs/services across Bases/Wings in Canada and in Europe. He and his team are also focused on data security, cybersecurity/prevention, CFMWS technology program management and migration of CFMWS applications to the cloud. Bruce is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada and the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham, England. He also completed his MBA, as well as a Masters in Systems Science. After returning from England, Bruce worked with the DND/CAF ADM (Material) Group, the Army Staff and the ADM (Information Management) Group. Bruce's last military position was as the CAF Command and Control Systems Capability Manager. After a distinguished 27-year military career, Bruce retired from the Canadian Armed Forces and joined CFMWS as the Chief Information Officer in 2008

Capt Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Officer

Captain A. Johnson

Job Titles:
  • REGIONAL HEAD TRAINER ( ATLANTIC ) View Bio / Captain a. Johnson
was a Regular Force Physiotherapy Officer who retired from the Regular Force at the end of 2016. Since then, Capt Johnson has continued to support DND. She is currently a Public Service Employee working as a Manager at 42 CF Health Services Centre in Gagetown. She is also a Reservist Physiotherapy Officer with 1 Canadian Field Hospital. Since leaving the Regular Force, she has further expanded her Physiotherapy skills by completing additional clinical training/experience in pelvic health, working at the local hospital in various settings such as the ICU, and working at a Private Clinic working with many types of patients, including CAF members and Veterans. In her spare time, Capt Johnson likes to train with the Gagetown Masters Swim/Multisport Team. Capt Johnson has been involved with CAFATP since 2011 and has covered a variety of sporting events as a trainer or head trainer at the Regional, National, and CISM level in Canada and abroad. She loves to teach fellow trainers about emergency sports coverage, sideline assessment, return to play, and taping skills. She has organized, taught, and/or assisted with a number of CAFATP relevant courses including Intro to CAFATP & Level 1 Sports Taping, Level 2 Sports Taping, Sports First Responder, and Dr. Darrell Menard's Performance Enhancers course.

Captain B. Stefanov

Job Titles:
  • TRAINING COORDINATOR View Bio / Captain B. Stefanov
Capt Stefanov became involved with CAFATP in 2015, and was the trainer for the CISM Men's Volleyball Team for two years prior to her deployment on OP REASSURANCE in 2019. She assumed the Training Coordinator position in early 2020, and is currently responsible for CAFATP course development and delivery, and the maintenance of training standards within the Program.


LEIUTENANT-COLONEL R. TRUDEL CHIEF TRAINER LCol Trudel is a CAF Physiotherapy Officer currently attending the Joint Command & Staff Program and is part of the Professional Technical Network providing guidance to the Physiotherapy trade. In addition to his day-to-day job, LCol Trudel is also the Chief Trainer and co-creator of the CAFATP. He provides oversight for the entire program and works to ensure that the program continues to grow and deliver excellent services to CAF athletes, domestically and internationally. In 2003, while in Kingston Major Trudel began his sports coverage career. "During that time, I covered many sports and was surprised that a more comprehensive program did not exist." This lead LCol Dan Trudel and Maj (Retd) Daniel Crumback to conceptualize a restructuring of coverage that was being provided to CAF Sports program and production of the CAFATP. A program which began with two physiotherapists and a handful of trainers providing coverage to nationals and some CISM teams has expanded to include over 500 trainers with a governance structure, training curriculum, and the capability to provide coverage to any sporting event, involving CAF athletes, domestically or worldwide. The program is a collaborative endeavour with both military and PSP trainers of varying backgrounds. Leading by example LCol Trudel has provided coverage to over 73 events, including four CISM Military World Games, countless training sessions and was the Medical Coordinator for four world level CISM competitions, including three hosted by Canada. Due to his leadership and tireless dedication, CAF athletes are able to count on an extensive network of accredited, high-quality athletic trainers that allow them to reach peak performances. As such, it comes as no surprise that in 2019 LCol Dan Trudel was inducted into the CAF Sports Honour Roll for his role as a Builder of Athletic Therapy in the CAF Sports Program. "Involvement in the CAFATP has provided me with opportunities that I would have never imagined, and I get to work with a diverse, motivated team to ensure that all our CAF athletes get the coverage they deserve. I encourage you to get involved by speaking to your local PSP Sports Coordinator or your Regional Head Trainer."


Job Titles:
  • Canadian Armed Forces in 1994 As a Logistics Officer
  • Senior Vice President of PSP
  • Senior Vice President Personnel Support Programs View Bio
Corinna is the Senior Vice President of PSP. In this role, she manages programs such as fitness, sports, recreation, and health promotion on Bases and Wings across Canada and in deployed operations, which ultimately contributes to the Canadian Armed Forces' operational readiness. A retired Brigadier-General, Corinna joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1994 as a Logistics Officer in the Canadian Army. Following graduation from the Royal Military College, Corinna served in a variety of roles at the tactical, operational and strategic level with a focus on logistics, strategy development, risk management, professionalization and governance. Throughout her career Corinna completed command and staff positions including Commanding Officer 2 Service Battalion, Director of Cadets at the Royal Military College, Strategic J4/Director General Support at the Strategic Joint Staff, and her final role was Deputy Chief of Staff at Chief Professional Conduct and Culture. A graduate of the Royal Military College and the National Defense University (Washington, DC), Corinna holds a Masters in Defence Studies (RMC) and a Masters in Science - Resourcing National Security (NDU). After 29 exciting and rewarding years in the Canadian Armed Forces, Corinna retired in October 2023 to join the CFMWS team.

Darryl Hayden

Darryl is a born and bred Newfoundlander and has been involved in a variety of sports since a young age with his main focus on hockey, soccer, and rugby. Naturally following his passion for sports he attended St. Francis Xavier University where he graduated with a B.A. in Human Kinetics. Fast forward a couple years, Darryl joined the PSP team at 9 Wing Gander and has been with us ever since (15 years +). During his time with PSP he has had various roles such as; Fitness, Sports & Aquatic Supervisor, PES, and is now the Fitness, Sports & Physical Exercise Coordinator. His current role at 9 Wing Gander is to assist with the delivery of the fitness program, ensure fitness evaluations are conducted according to policy, deliver the CAF Sport program by making arrangements for teams or individuals to participate in regional and national competitions, run the local base sports program, and to help the ill and injured be "fit to fight" as a part of the PSP Reconditioning program. When he is not in the office, you can usually find him, on the ice or in a field coaching and volunteering his time in the community and spending time with his family exploring the great outdoors next to a camp fire.


Job Titles:
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chartered Professional Accountant
  • Chief Financial Officer View Bio
Over the course of his career, for close to 25 years, from EY to BMO, Dave has a proven track record of financial leadership within the banking and professional services industry. His experience spans leadership and strategic direction related to wealth planning, estate, tax, philanthropy and business succession guidance for High Worth clients, change management, financial planning, software changes, new customer relationship management projects and creating new business opportunities with banking business partners. Along with his passion to foster a collaborative and inclusive one team working environment, Dave is dedicated to exceptional client experience which aligns perfectly with our mandate to providing exceptional member and employee experience. Dave is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the Université du Québec en Outaouais. He is an avid golfer, a former competitive tennis player and coach and enjoys fishing and cross-country skiing.

Dawn Redahl

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Previous to working for PSP, Dawn worked for Vancouver Parks and Recreation as a Recreation Programmer and Fitness Instructor. She has taught a variety of fitness classes for over 35 years. Dawn has had numerous rolls within our organization; from Fitness & Sport Leader including Lifeguard, Acting Recreation Coordinator and to her current role as Sports Coordinator at 17 Wing Winnipeg. Dawn is one of the few lucky ones that is able to combine her passion of fitness & sport with travel. She spent 7 months cycling all over Australia and New Zealand, taught fitness classes in Nassau, was a TLD Coordinator in Spain, and completed a 6 month deployment in Latvia as the FS&R Supervisor. Whether you're looking to get involved in the CAF Sports program or are a high performance athlete Dawn is your "go to" person.

Denis Gaboury

Job Titles:

Derek Lacelle

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Derek began his PSP journey in August of 2020 as Fitness & Sports Instructor at the Carling campus. Prior to joining the PSP team he had accumulated over 12 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry in many different capacities, some of which include; management at a commercial gym, coordinator at a physiotherapy clinic, and spent the last 6 year, prior to joining PSP, as a personal trainer and crossfit coach. Derek attended the University of Ottawa, where he graduated magna cum laude in an Honours Bachelor of Science program in Human Kinetics as well as completing a non-thesis Master's degree in Sport Administration. Derek continually seeks opportunities to increase his professional knowledge by continuing specialized training and course such as; Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA); Crossfit, Level 1, Level 2 and kids Coaching Certifications; Titleist Performance Institute, Personal Trainer, Fitness Coach, Level 1,2,3 - Swing Coach, Level 2 - and Power Development Coach, Level 2; and Fascial Stretch Therapist, Level 1, with the Stretch to Win team. "Starting from a young age I was always involved in sports. My parents always encouraged us to get as involved in after school sports to keep us out of trouble and away from video games." Derek played hockey competitively until the age of 20 when his junior career came to an end and he was also a perennial member of the intersectional golf team. In addition, he was an avid basketball, soccer, baseball, and track athlete. During his high school awards ceremony, he was awarded male athlete of the year and has won many scoring races at the pee-wee and bantam hockey level. In the last 5 years, he has become heavily involved in the crossfit community and has podium in several local and regional competitions. "Combining fitness and sport in one activity has been truly amazing and it has reignited some competitive spirit that I once knew as a kid/younger adult."


Job Titles:
  • Chief
  • Chief Corporate Counsel and Chief Corporate Secretary View Bio
Dominic is Chief Corporate Counsel and Chief Corporate Secretary. In this role, he provides legal counsel, strategic advice, and guidance to the Executive Management Board (ExMB), the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer and other senior executives on governance and our legislative and regulatory mandates. He also oversees Corporate Services, including HQ administration, Travel Services, Environmental Compliance, Procurement and Contracting, Privacy and Access to Information, as well as NPP Real Property. Dominic has decades of management experience with the Canadian Armed Forces, the Department of Justice, Global Affairs Canada and the Military Grievances External Review Committee. His expertise includes strategic planning, policy development and implementation, developing and promulgating Federal legislation and regulations, criminal and civil regulatory systems, negotiation and deal making at the national and international levels. Throughout his career, he has been recognized for his dedication, team building, innovation and managing change. Dominic's combined knowledge of, and experience with, the Canadian Armed Forces, Department of National Defence, Non-Public Property and the Staff of the Non-Public Funds, Canadian Forces, as a law and policy expert, makes him an essential asset for our organization. At a time when our organization works to modernize our social enterprise business model that reflect current realities, Dominic's expertise is invaluable.


Job Titles:
  • Fitness, Sports & Physical Exercise Coordinator
Felix first got involved in sports at a young age playing soccer in a local league. After playing for numerous years, he picked up badminton and played in an Orleans league. While in university, he played many intramural sports such as soccer and dodgeball. Combining his passion for fitness and sports, Felix has competed in four body building competitions, reaching the Ontario Natural Provincial Championship in 2017 and obtaining the 3rd place in Men's Classic Physique.

Francis Boyer

Job Titles:


Job Titles:
  • Senior Vice President CANEX View Bio
Frank is the Senior Vice President of CANEX, where he manages all CANEX/NATEX operations. Frank has a successful record of contributing to the growth and profitability of global retail and wholesale brands, with 15+ years of Executive leadership and 20+ years of marketing, merchandising, store design, e-commerce, retail operations and team building. He held many senior executive roles at leading brands, including DAVIDs TEA, BESTSELLER, Stokes, Point Zero, Group Dynamite, La Senza, and Tommy Hilfiger Canada. Since joining CANEX, his contributions have been felt across the organization. Frank's positive attitude, passion for service excellence, empathy, creative-solution thinking and leadership have demonstrated his capacity to work collaboratively and drive high performance results. His authentic commitment and passion for exemplifying our corporate values for our members and employees is an inspiration to many.

Gavin Osmond

Gavin maintains a healthy lifestyle and believes this to be the central component of life. He continually strives to promote health and wellness to his clientele in a balanced approach. Much of his success can be contributed to his positive personality and motivation to inspire others.


Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Executive Officer View Bio
Ian is a retired Major-General who ensures the alignment of goals of all divisions to ensure that CFMWS grows to reach its vision. Ian, retired Major-General, is a graduate from the Royal Military College of Canada, and holds a Master's in International Studies from King's College London. His early career consisted of a number of command and staff appointments as a member of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He later served as Project Director of the Quality of Life Project, Executive Assistant to the Chief of the Defence Staff; Commander 2 Area Support Group in Toronto, and Chief of Programme. After a distinguished 38-year military career, COO Poulter retired from the CAF in 2014 and joined the Public Service in the Department of National Defence before joining CFMWS as Chief Operating Officer.

Isaac Habib

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator

Isabelle Kingsbury

James Powell

Born and raised in the Ottawa Valley, James lived and breathed the opportunity from a young age to be involved in sport. He distinctly remembers being obsessed with any sport that those around him where willing to play. However, like most Canadian kids from a small town hockey was the sport of choice, with soccer filling out his summer months. James completed a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology at Guelph University along with an Associate Degree in Fitness and Health Promotion from Algonquin and Humber Colleges. He played competitively in both soccer and hockey, with soccer being the sport he excelled in reaching the academy level before transitioning to coaching competitively. He has also gained valuable work experience working as a personal trainer, strength & conditioning specialist, and a co-owner of a martial arts club. In 2018, James joins PSP as a Fitness & Sports Instructor, later that year transitioned into the role of a Fitness Coordinator with CFSG (O-G), and in 2023 accepted a role as the Fitness, Sports, and Recreation Coordinator with CANSOFCOM. James has a deep gratitude for waking up each morning knowing he'll be providing services to the personnel of the Canadian Armed Forces. James attributes sport to being a key factor in his development as a leader, team player, communicator, and an innovator. His belief is that sport within the CAF plays a vital role in building relationships, boosting morale, and keeping members physical fit.

Jasmine Starman

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Jasmine grew up playing several sports including hockey and powerlifting where she represented Alberta at CPU Nationals. "Sport has offered me an unmatched sense of community and enriched my life in many ways. This led me to pursue a Bachelors of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary, graduating in 2022 with Distinction." You may recognise Jasmine from the various positions she has worked within the CAF and CMFWS; Roads and Grounds, the Cadet Camp, the Youth Centre/MFRCS, and most recently as the Sports Stores Technician. "During my 8 months as the Sports Stores Tech, I have created relationships with many members that allows me to understand their wants and needs for CAF Sports. I look forward to using this knowledge in my new position to continue to serve those who serve at my highest capacity."

Jean-François Delorme

Job Titles:
Jean-Francois has been the Navy Bike Ride Coordinator since 2018. Prior to joining PSP he was employed as a Kinesiologist working with a variety of different athletes including professional athletes. Jean-François was also the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Gatineau Olympiques (major junior). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa. Originally, from Thompson Manitoba, he grew up playing all kinds of sports including: hockey, soccer, kick-boxing and downhill mountain biking and many others! He believes in the power of community through sport, staying in shape, sport for mental health, and that sport can follow you anywhere you go. Jean-François continues to play sports to this day, although keeping up with his four children is a sport in itself! In his spare time, he enjoys woodworking and taking care of his chickens. We look forward to Jean-François' fresh perspectives and eagerness as he joins the CAF National Sports Team!


Job Titles:
  • Senior Vice President of SISIP Financial
  • Senior Vice President SISIP Financial View Bio
Jill is the Senior Vice President of SISIP Financial, responsible for all SISIP Financial operations. Jill brings over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry and deep expertise as a thought leader in client-centred business transformation. Since coming to CFMWS in 2019, Jill has introduced a series of transformational initiatives that leverage her industry expertise, including the introduction of business planning practices, advisory coaching, member experience research, negotiation of an enhanced strategic partnership with Investia Financial Services and the implementation of a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system. She has also ensured further investment to expand advisory and client support teams, as well as the implementation of business intelligence and analytics to inform evidence-based decisions and business strategy. As a military spouse, Jill brings first-hand knowledge of military life and its unique circumstances. Before joining SISIP Financial, Jill served in various leadership roles at MD Financial, BMO Private Wealth and Scotia Wealth Management. Jill is also an accomplished golfer who was recognized and inducted into the Newfoundland and Labrador Golf Hall of Fame in 2019.

Jim MacKenzie

Job Titles:
Jim MacKenzie is Fitness, Sports & Recreation Manager in Shilo as well as the Canada West Regional Sports Manager has been a major fixture of the CAF Sports program for the past 44 years. First as a PERI for 19 years and then as a member of CFMWS. Jim has been a principal contributor in establishing the regional and national golf programs both as an athlete and as a builder of the sport.

Jo-Anie Moreau

Jo-Anie Moreau RMC: Sports Coordinator (Varsity) I have been a sports enthusiast since my childhood. I have played many sports in my life, but the one that has allowed me to develop to my full potential is judo. I have practised this sport for more than 15 years and participated in hundreds of regional, provincial and national competitions. Afterwards, I started running. I completed about 10 half marathons and one marathon. I was already running for my physical preparation with judo, but when my career ended, I started running more seriously. I run about two half marathons a year and my training is mainly focused on this. As a teenager, I dreamed of working in sports and fitness. So I completed a bachelor's degree in Sports Intervention at Laval University. I have worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years. I started with the PSP in 2014 as a fitness instructor at CFB Valcartier. I continued my career as a fitness instructor at CFB Kingston. I then had the opportunity to develop my coordination skills as a PSP coordinator at the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada and recently obtained the position of University Sports Coordinator at RMC. Sport is important to me as it is through it that I have been able to develop a good life discipline. Sport has allowed me to develop many skills, such as team spirit, perseverance, resilience, self-respect and self control. All of these skills make me who I am today and allow me to teach them to my children as well. I believe that sport is essential for development and that is why I am so passionate about it. To find all the information related to RMC's varsity sports programs email me at or visit our website: or

Jordan Geehan

Jordan has been employed at CFB Borden, Garrison Toronto, and at ASU London. In addition, he has supported two deployments as a Fitness, Sports & Recreation Coordinator in both Afghanistan and Kuwait. ️ Jordan is currently the Fitness & Sports Coordinator for Southwestern Ontario stationed out of ASU London. In his current role he oversees all Fitness & Sports programs for members within Southwestern, Ontario which include; Tilston Armoury, Chatham Armoury, HMCS Hunter (Windsor), Beaver Hall (London), Wolseley Barracks (London), Startford Armoury, Sarnia Armoury, HMSC Prevost (London), John Foot Armoury (Hamilton/Burlington), HMCS Star (Hamilton), St. Thomas Armoury, Guelph Armoury, St. Catharines Armoury, Cambridge Armoury, and 56 Fd Regt RCA (Brantford/Simcoe/St. Catharines) . As it relates to sports programming, he hosts monthly sports challenges throughout the year, supports athletes competing within the Regional, National, and CISM programs and assists in the development of a sports program for reserve units.

Jordan Leeming

Job Titles:


Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief Operating Officer View Bio
Julie is the Chief Operating Officer and is responsible for the alignment of the goals of all divisions to ensure that CFMWS grows to reach its vision, along with responsibility for Risk Management, Data Governance, Strategy and Strategic Planning, Performance Measurement, Infrastructure Strategy, Strategic Oversight Committee for APS110. Julie brings decades of experience and expertise in leadership, strategy, planning, financial stewardship and operational management. Holding a Chartered Professional Accountant designation and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from Queen's University, Julie has held a variety of executive positions in both the private and public sector, and not-for-profits. Julie joined CFMWS in September 2020 as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Over that short period, she has demonstrated her commitment to collaboration and creative problem solving to achieve key results for the NPP enterprise. Julie and her husband Rob have three children, three cats and a golden retriever. Julie and her family play hockey and own a country home in her hometown, Granby, QC.

Kevin Milonja

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator

Kevin Rabaja

Kevin graduated from George Brown College - Fitness & Lifestyle Management Ad. Diploma and has been working in the fitness industry for 10 years in various roles ranging from working with one-on-one strength & conditioning athletes to teaching group classes. "Although, I love kettlebell & bodyweight training; I enjoy playing competitive sports even more." Kevin has been coaching volleyball for the past 7 years in the Ontario Volleyball Association as a head/assistant coach for different rep teams, as well as the lead on strength & conditioning programs different clubs around the GTA.

Kira Cornelissen

Originally from Aylmer Ontario, Kira moved to Saskatchewan for her new role with PSP as the Fitness, Sports and Recreation Coordinator at CFD Dundurn. She is a graduate of Brock University holding a BSc in Kinesiology and has a Post- Graduate Certificate in Exercises Science for Heath and Performance from Niagara College. She also has her CSEP-CEP designation. Kira grew up in a very active family. At a young age she participated in competitive dance. As she was one of the tallest in her routines she was often stuck in the back row. It was then that she decided to give basketball a try…and she never looked back. From there Kira played varsity basketball at Brock University and was a recipient of the 2013- 2014 OUA (Ontario University Athletics) All- Rookie Team award and the 2016-2017 OUA First Team All- Star; In that same season, she led the OUA in points per game and was the top 5 in rebounds per game. She is still involved with basketball as a referee and plays in a women's league. Sports are a major part of Kira's life; "I have met so many lifelong friends from playing sports at various levels. Now that I am not playing at the Varsity level, I use sport as a way to socialize and meet new people. I also love how sport is so universal. While deployed in Latvia, we used sport as a way for all nations to come together no matter what language they spoke."

Kristy Cantarutti

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
grew up in a sports enthusiast family and was surrounded by sports throughout her whole life, she learned quickly that being a part of a sports team was much more than just winning. Kristy is an avid spectator, was an athlete in Soccer, Volleyball and Basketball, a Soccer coach and a Snowboard instructor for Burton's non profit program CHILL. She comes to us with extensive knowledge in recreation and sport. She graduated from George Brown College with an undergrad in Event Coordination and her passion for sports led her to her post-graduate diploma in Sport Event Marketing. Kristy's previous employment includes several years working as a General Manager for a SIR Corporation. Prior to moving to Kingston, Kristy worked for the Toronto Raptors and also worked for the National Basketball Association (NBA) helping execute the NBA Cares Program across Canada. Kristy joined the PSP team in September 2021 as the interim Recreation Coordinator which led her to her full time position as the Intramural Coordinator. She is really excited to help enhance the intramural program at the RMC.


Job Titles:
  • Senior Vice President of Military Family Services
  • Vice President Military Family Services View Bio
As Senior Vice President of Military Family Services, Laurie oversees the delivery of national and local services to military and Veteran families who are faced with the challenges of frequent separation, relocation and transitions. She also oversees Support Our Troops, the official charitable cause of the Canadian Armed Forces. Laurie has been with CFMWS for over 21 years and has held a variety of roles in several divisions across the organization. Laurie was the Director of Family Services from 2012 to 2022, and during that time, she was involved in the modernization of the Military Family Services Program, the introduction of the Veteran Family Program, the evolution of family / gender-based violence initiatives, and the revision of the governance model for Military Family Resource Centres. Laurie works closely with partners within the Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans Affairs Canada, Government of Canada departments, industry partners, not-for-profit organizations, family advocacy agencies, and researchers striving to enhance CFMWS' service offerings for military and Veteran families. As for Support Our Troops, Laurie oversees grant/loan administration, financial management of the various CAF charitable funds, philanthropic efforts, corporate development, cause amplification (Yellow Ribbon), third-party event management, and all other revenue generation elements that are currently in place. In 2016 Laurie was a recipient of the Chief of the Defence Staff's Distinguished Achievement Award for her work with Military Family Resource Centres. In 2021, Laurie became the CFMWS Champion for Wellness and is strongly committed to supporting the personal and professional wellness of everyone with whom she interacts. She believes that wellness is how individuals define it for themselves, but that our organization must serve as an enabler and supporter of everyone's wellness.

Les Gilson

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Les has his Bachelor of Physical Education (Honors) from Brock University and his Master of Art, Exercise Physiology from East Tennessee States University (ETSU). After graduation, Les worked in the ETSU Campus Recreation Dept overseeing the Intra-mural and Fitness departments. Les also coached Cross Country, Track and Field (NAIA & NCAA) and worked as the Strength Coach for NCAA Volleyball and Softball programs. Upon returning to Canada Les worked at Brock University as the Intramural Coordinator and Head Coach for Men's Rugby, coaching the Ontario program at the National Championships. Les had an extensive career at Rugby Canada holding various coaching, managerial and director positions for both men's & women's rugby teams. Les also has the Advance Coaching Diploma from the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Les has been involved in sport all his life. He has coached at all levels from High School to National Programs. Les came to PSP in 2018 and has held a few different roles, taking over as the Base Sports Coordinator in December 2023. Les is the Borden POC if you're a long-time athlete or interested in getting involved in sports in anyway (officials, coaching, trainers, volunteers). Swing by his office at the Buell Fitness Centre (Field House, 2nd level) or email Les.

Maj Mahoney

Job Titles:
  • Officer

Marc Desroches

Since he was young, Marc has always been involved sports with his main sports focus on baseball and hockey. Marc has been a carded official in fast-pitch and slo-pitch, volleyball and ball hockey. Marc's dedication to sport doesn't end there; he is also a softball coach (fast-pitch and slo-pitch), and most-recently a ringette coach. If you are looking for a way to get involved with the 22 Wing North Bay sports program in any aspect (athletes, coach, trainers, official or volunteer), feel free to contact him at (705)494-2011 ext 2240 or through email at

Mary Thompson

Mary holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics and a Bachelors of Education in Physical Education from St. Francis Xavier University. She has been working in the fitness and sports industry for over a decade, starting out with PSP as a Fitness & Sports Instructor in 2017 at both Stadacona and Dockyard. After being in an acting role for approximately 6 months, in January of 2021 she was awarded the permanent Fitness and Sports Coordinator Position at 12 Wing Shearwater. Mary played soccer at the recreational level growing up, but mostly competed in individual sports. She was a former distance runner in high school and early university, later switching gears into competitive Bodybuilding. Mary is quite the competitor earning herself 3rd place at the National bodybuilding level Toronto Pro Qualifier in 2018.

Mathieu Caron

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator

Matt Somerville

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
returned to CFB Kingston in the of 2022 after living in the United States for the past three years. During his time abroad, Matt joined the leadership team of the Maryland Volleyball Program (MVP), the oldest boys volleyball club in the State of Maryland, where his coaching and management skills were immediately put to use. Matt's greatest coaching and leadership opportunity came in 2015 when Matt founded the Kingston Volleyball Club, a youth club in Kingston, ON. In his capacity as Club Director of a new and growing club, Matt showed his ability to support all aspects of an athletic program, including club management, staffing, fundraising, player recruitment, and the hosting of numerous tournaments and leagues.

Matthew Tibbles

Matt has been working for PSP since September 2019 as the Fitness, Sport and Recreation Coordinator in Yellowknife. He graduated from Laurentian University with a Bachelor of Health and Physical Education and a Bachelor of Education. Matt comes with a wealth of experience in various levels of sport, as both an athlete and coach. His main sport was Dragon Boat, but is willing to get into any type of boat. He has paddled and coached everything from community teams at local events to Team Canada at International events around the world. Since moving to the Northwest Territories, he has transitioned his focus to Ultimate Frisbee and canoeing.

Mr. D. Pharand

Job Titles:
Dominic's passion for sports started at the young age of 5 while playing hockey. Following his passion and realizing the importance of sport, he sought out to increase his knowledge of the human body and performance by attending the University of Ottawa where he completed a Bachelor's degree in Human Kinetics. In 2013, Dominic joined PSP as a Fitness & Sports Instructor and currently holds the Reconditioning Manager position in the National Capital Region (NCR) in charge of programs for the ill and injured. In order to provide a variety of services to the CAF members and better meet their needs he has also become a certified exercise physiologist and completed many different training and certifications over the years such as; Functional Movement Screen, indoor cycling instructor, yoga/mobility, and more. When training athletes his focus is to build up their physical abilities from the fundamental movement to more sport-specific exercises by assessing their mobility and movement patterns to ultimately achieve their goals. Dominic continues to expand his knowledge by organizing sports events and volunteering for various rolls within the CAFATP. He believes that sports builds leadership and teamwork as well as resiliency through adversity. His number one priority is to not only work hard and consistently, but to train smart to be able to perform at your best and stay injury free!

Ms. M. Donovan

Job Titles:
Megan is the Reconditioning Manager in Petawawa where she manages the reconditioning of CAF members as they recover from injury and runs the pre/post-natal program on base. She has a bachelor of science in human kinetics, a bachelor of applied health science in athletic therapy, a diploma in massage therapy and has recently completed her Masters of Arts in sport psychology. Prior to working for PSP she worked as an assistance athletic therapist with the Hamilton Tiger Cats, McMaster University, and Hamilton Jr A hockey as the head athletic therapist. In 2008 during the Ti-Cats off season she deployed to Kandahar where she worked in the gym and volunteered in Role 3. Megan is the Regional Head Trainer (RHT) Ontario, as well as the CAF CISM Men's Soccer mental performance coach and has recently worked with the CAF CISM Cross Country team. She has been with the CAFATP since 2011 and has worked at numerous regionals and nationals such as; squash, badminton, volleyball, basketball, soccer, and hockey. As the regional head trainer she coordinates training, professional development opportunities, and acts as a mentor for military members and PSP employees interested in becoming an athletic trainer with the CAF Sports Program. She teaches level 1 and 2 taping courses, First Responder course, provides refresher training, coordinates trainer coverage for regionals events, and recruits for national championship coverage. Mostly recently, she has been providing mental performance training workshops and programming for CISM teams as well for members who are pursuing Special Operations Forces selection programming and is hoping to be able to contribute more mental performance training for athletes across the CAF.

Ms. M. Green

Job Titles:
Melissa has worked for PSP for over a decade and is currently the Fitness Coordinator at CFB Shilo. In addition to her day-to-day job, Melissa is the Regional Head Trainer (RHT) for the Canada West region. She has been involved in the CAF Athletic Trainer Program since 2009, serving as RHT since 2011. As the RHT for the Canada West region, she coordinates all CAFATP related training for the Canada West region and is also a Taping Level 1 instructor. Melissa holds a Kinesiology degree from the University of Manitoba. She is also a Certified Athletic Therapist, Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor (200hr), Crossfit Level 1 Trainer as well as Pre/Post Natal, Group and Aquatic Fitness Leader. She has been active her entire life but currently spend her days training for half marathons, triathlons, CrossFit competitions and spending time with her children. "As a trainer, you get to provide taping and medical services to our CAF athletes at local, regional, national and potentially international events, travel, network, gain hands on experience."

Myles Hansen

Job Titles:
  • Acting Sports Coordinator


Job Titles:
  • CFMWS Chief Warrant Officer View Bio
Nathalie is currently serving and holds the rank of Chief Warrant Officer. As the CFMWS Chief, she advises the CEO and other CFMWS senior leaders on issues relating to CAF members and the larger Defence community. Nathalie joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1990 as a Supply Technician. She currently holds the rank of Chief Warrant Officer. Throughout her career, she has been posted at Bases and Wings throughout Canada, and has deployed to Kuwait, Iraq, Poland, Romania, and Africa and participated in a major NATO exercise in Portugal. In 2021 she was nominated for the Non-Commissioned Member Executive Professional Development Program (NEPDP) at the Royal Military College in Kingston where she graduated with a Certificate in Advance Military Studies. In 2022, CWO Fortin joined the CFMWS leadership team as the CFMWS Chief Warrant Officer.

Nicholas Pyke

grew up outdoors; snowmobiling, playing hockey and hunting. Throughout high school and college Nicholas also competed in football, bodybuilding, hockey and powerlifting. After graduating College he began working as an Initial Attack Fire Ranger in Northern Ontario. In 2013 Nicholas joined the PSP team as a Fitness and Sports Instructor in Wainwright. After few years he then moved to the Portage flight school carrying out the same duties. Not long after, Nicholas had the unique experience of deploying aboard the HMCS Vancouver, travelling around South East Asia. Upon his return to Canada took on the role of Fitness Coordinator at 15 Wing Moose Jaw. During his time in Moose Jaw he accepted his second deployment as the Fitness, Sports and Recreation Coordinator for Roto 0 in Latvia. After travelling all around the world he finally landed himself in Calgary as the Fitness, Sports and Recreation Coordinator where he takes care of all things fitness, sports, & recreation for remote location personnel in Calgary, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and Edmonton.

Patrick Levesque

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Graduate in 2005, he worked on the development of competitive downhill skiing in the Eastern Townships for almost 2 years. A leading alpine skiing athlete, Patrick also has a lot of experience in organizing major sporting events. In 2007, he joined the PSP team as a Fitness and Sports Instructor at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School. Over the years, Patrick has held several positions in military sports, in return-to-training program and at the sports department of Royal Military College Saint-Jean. With over 13 years of experience with PSP, Patrick is currently the Sports Coordinator at Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) for the intramural sports program and special events.

Penny Blanchard

Penny grew up in a Newfoundland family where sports was a large part of their lifestyle. Throughout high school she played softball, volleyball, basketball and ran cross country. She obtained a Physical Education degree from Memorial University in 2000 and played Varsity Volleyball during the early part of University career before taking the lead as the Head Athletic Trainer for the Varsity Women's Basketball team from 1997-2000. In 2001, she started her PSP career as a Fitness and Sports Instructor in St. John's and in 2003 moved to CFB Esquimalt where she held various positions spending almost 14 years as Manager, Fitness & Sports. While in Esquimalt, she was involved in hosting a CAF National Squash & Badminton Championship and 2 CAF National Old Timer's Hockey Championships, supported numerous CISM Soccer Camps and CISM Running Camp, and was part of the PSP team when hosting the CISM World Military Marathon Championship in Ottawa in May 2017. Penny believes that Sports provides an avenue for building teamwork, social skills and a multitude of physical and mental health benefits. She is happy to be supporting the members of the CAF once again in St. John's at 5 CDSG Garrison.

Peter Gibson

holds a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education with Honours from Nipissing University and a Project Management certificate from Georgian College. Prior to joining the PSP team, Peter worked as a personal trainer and physiotherapy assistant. In 2014, he began his PSP career as a Fitness and Sport Instructor in Esquimalt and in 2016, moved to Borden where he worked his way up to his current position. "For me sports is a way to make connections, have fun and compete against others. Being on a sport field is my place of comfort, it feels like a place where I belong and enjoy being. Its where all of life's concerns; kids, parenting, work and financial, disappear and relaxation takes place where you can have fun and not have a worry in the world." Having two young children, Peter has begun the process of moving towards coaching to instill the passion of sport for his children. "The goal is to have them enjoy and want to continue playing for their lifetime and have fun."

Rachel Carlen

My name is Rachel Carlen. I live on a farm in Campbellford, have 3 children, variety of pets, have been a Fitness & Sports Instructor at CFB Trenton for nearly 10 years and am currently the Acting Fitness, Sports & Recreation Coordinator for CFS Alert.

Rick McKie

Job Titles:
Rick started playing sports at a young age playing all sports that he could fit into his schedule. He enjoy them all. He graduated from Laurentian University with a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education, walking away with various National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) levels in Volleyball, Track and Field, and Gymnastics. In 2001, Rick began working for PSP in Petawawa within their Military Fitness Department as a Fitness and Sports Instructor (FSI). Two years later, he deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina (Zgon) as a Fitness, Sports and Recreation Coordinator, receiving the Non-Article 5 NATO Medal for service in the Balkans, and the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal. In 2006, he was hired as the Fitness and Sports Coordinator for the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), and in 2008 was hired at the National Physical Fitness Manager for the CF. In 2016 he returned back to Garrison Petawawa, but this time as the Manager of Fitness & Sports (F&SMgr). Rick will be returning this summer from his deployment to Latvia with Operation Reassurance as their Morale and Welfare Manager and take on the additional title of the Ontario Regional Sports Manager in conjunction with to his F&SMgr role at Garrison Petawawa. Some of his CAF Sports highlights include coaching the Garrison Petawawa Women's Slo-pitch team, winning the Ontario Region title 5 times in 5 years (2004 - 2008), taking home 3 National Silver medals, and 1 National Championship. He was also awarded the 3M Excellence in Coaching Award in 2006. Upon his return to Petawawa in 2016, he started coaching the Women's program again. Currently they are the reigning Ontario Region Champions. Since 2007, he was also involved with promoting the sport of grappling, having hosted the first CAF Regional Competitions in Canada. Rick's Grandfather was a WW2 Veteran and a great athlete. When Rick asked him how he prepared for the rigours of battle his Grandfather explained that it was the lessons he learned from playing sports. It was the situational awareness on the field, how to adapt to the play, when to go on the offensive, and when to play defensively. To cope with the mental aftermath of war, his Grandfather continued to find solace in sports. Rick sees the value in the CAF Sports Program, as it's an effective way to help soldiers be more operationally ready both mentally and physically.


Job Titles:
  • Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Chief Human Resources Officer View Bio
Robin provides advice to the CEO and the executive management team, concerning all employee-related matters, including Talent Acquisition, Performance Management, Total Compensation, Workplace Culture and Wellness, Payroll and Benefits, HRIS, Occupational Health and Safety, Labour Relations, Pension, Employment Equity, Official Languages, Learning and Development and Conflict Resolution. Robin brings a wealth of Human Resources knowledge to this position from her time in the industry with Bell Canada, to a wide variety of roles within CFMWS since 2004, as well as through her professional training throughout the past decade. Robin is also the CFMWS Champion for Indigenous Peoples and is very committed to this role.

Ryan Elborne

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Ryan graduated from Camosun College with a Bachelor of Athletic and Exercise Therapy. He has worked with many local Victoria teams as an Athletic Therapist with the highlight of working with the Victoria Shamrocks Lacrosse Team and winning a 2016 Mann Cup. Since then he has been working for PSP for 5 year. If he's not in the office chances are he is hiking with his dog or playing in a local Victoria sport. Ryan is your POC for all the base teams and individual sports as well as our local Intramural program. If you're looking to get involved in sports as an athlete, official, trainer or coach, or long time athlete Ryan is your man.

Ryan Meeks

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
This is Ryan. He used to work at a bank…boring! Now he is the Military Sports Coordinator at 8 Wing/CFB Trenton. Ryan graduated from Durham College with a Diploma in Sports Administration, Loyalist College with a Diploma in Fitness & Health Promotion, and from Brock University with a Degree in Sports Management . He has coached basketball for 10 years, including High School in Belleville and St. Catharines, Belleville Spirits of the OBA and the CFB Kingston Knights . Most recently Ryan acquired his Level 1 Golf Rules Official Certification and Club Referee Certification for Squash. Ryan takes care of all base sports programs, teams, and leagues. He also assists with the Out Service Requests, CISM, National and Regional sports program. If you need more info on the 8 Wing CFB Trenton sports program email him at

Sabastian Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator
Sabastian has made it his goal to help better the lives of youth and high-performance athletes through coaching, training and mentoring. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Acadia University, where he also played for the Acadia Axemen football team. After his undergraduate degree, Sabastian used his experience as an athlete and coach to help clients of all demographics reach their fitness and life goals as a certified personal trainer on Vancouver Island. After working as a personal trainer for a year and a half, Sabastian pursued a Master's Degree in Human Kinetics with a concentration in Sport Management at the University of Ottawa. While completing his graduate degree, Sabastian worked with Football Canada as a High-Performance Consultant, responsible for assisting in grassroots programming, national team scouting and event management. Throughout his time in Ottawa, Sabastian also worked with organizations such as USports, the CHL and the Commonwealth Games. He and his colleagues recently completed a consultation project with the Canadian Armed Forces Sports Program, using qualitative and quantitative research to determine areas of improvement to ensure the Canadian Armed Forces get the most out of their sports programs. When he's not watching, coaching, or participating in sports, Sabastian enjoys fishing and exploring all that Vancouver Island has to offer. If you have any questions regarding the sport program in Comox feel free to reach out to him at 250-339-8211 ext. 8783 or

Scott Heipel

Scott Heipel MEAFORD: Fitness, Sports & Recreation Coordinator Scott graduated from Fanshawe College in 2012 with a diplomia in Fitness & Health Promotion. Shortly after graduating he started working as the Strength and Conditioning Coach at Velocity Sports & Performance and Fitness, Fitness Programmer at the Owen Sound YMCA, part-time Cardiac Rehabilitation Trainer for Grey Bruce Health Services, and finally landing a position with the PSP team in Meaford as the Fitness, Sports & Recreation Coordinator. In Scott's free time he has a jammed packed schedule of extracurricular that include; ball hockey, baseball, triathlon, mountain biking, running and boxing. If your located in the Meaford area, Scott can assist you with programs such as; inter-mural, regional, national, and CISM sports program as well as it supporting; CAFATP, Officials, Coach and Sports Awards.

Scott Mitchell

Scott has been involved in sports from a very young age. He played soccer, rugby, basketball, lacrosse, judo, hockey, football, and was a nationally ranked competitive swimmer. Football was his passion, and he received a full scholarship to Rice University in Houston, Texas, where he was a 4-year starter and won numerous accolades. After graduating with a BA in Sports Management, Scott was drafted 2nd overall in the CFL (Canadian Football League) draft where he played 3 years for the Edmonton Eskimos and 2 years for the Toronto Argonauts. After retiring from the CFL, Scott coached in the U.S for several years, including at the University of Alabama as a strength and conditioning intern. He then coached at Liberty University where he received an MA in Counseling and concluded his U.S. coaching career at Fort Scott Community College. Scott has been able to work with numerous professional athletes in the NFL, CFL, NBA and MLB. He has been with PSP at CFB Suffield since 2020 where he has been actively involved in putting together a brand new base hockey team as well as intersection golf league. Scott is also a logistics officer with 41 Brigade. Outside of work, Scott enjoys travelling, skiing, and playing an array of sports such as golf, hockey and basketball.

Simon Gasse

Job Titles:

Stephen Bowden

Job Titles:
  • Sports Coordinator

Valerie Savard

Job Titles: