Updated 1107 days ago
43 Main Street SE Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Getting a group of franchisees or dealers together is one of the most effective ways to solve common problems. Garner, Ginsburg & Johnsen, P.A., can help with all aspects of representing your group, whether you wish to proceed informally, form an association or already have an association that needs legal assistance... Garner, Ginsburg & Johnsen, P.A., brings Wall Street smarts and Main Street common sense to you, the franchisee. The Smarts … The founder of our firm wrote the leading legal text on franchise law that more than a dozen courts have turned to for authority. The Common Sense … the firm has recovered more cash for franchisees than any other franchise law firm in the country - more than $240 million. The franchise lawyers at Garner, Ginsburg & Johnsen, P.A. are top graduates from the best law schools, but they speak in plain English. Don't you deserve some smarts and common sense? Don't you deserve the best?... Garner, Ginsburg Johnsen, P.A. offers the franchise lawyers..