Updated 12 days ago
- Age: 92 years
- ID: 43126797/46
This Association was established in 1932 as Indore Mill Owners' Association by Shri Rao Raja Sir Seth Hukamchand. At the time of its establishment, the Association had seven composite textile mills from Indore as members. After the merger of various States of Gwalior, Indore and Malwa in May 1948, the name of the Association was changed from 6th August, 1948 as Madhya Bharat Millowners' Association and the mills in the region were invited to join . With the formation of the State of Madhya Pradesh on 1st November, 1956 integrating, among others, the State of Madhya Bharat, the name of the Association was changed to reflect its regional character and Madhya Pradesh Millowners' Association came into being from 1st January, 1957. It was registered under the Madhya Pradesh Non-Trading Corporations Act, 1962 on 1st June, 1966 after being renamed as The Madhya Pradesh Textile Mills' Association w.e.f. 1st January, 1966... The Association' is committed to the growth of Textile Industry in..
Also known as: The Madhya Pradesh Textile Mills' Association