Updated 58 days ago
- Age: 6 years
- ID: 42720129/49
Optometrist, 1994 - 1999 Dr. M. Friedman and Associates Culver City, California
MyOptometryLawyer, LLC, is a Nevada LLC (No. E1651952019-5) operating under the business name MyOptometryLawyer. Working together with Dr. Steinberg's law practice, the Law Offices of Craig S Steinberg, OD, JD, MyOptometryLawyer offers the first ever comprehensive concierge-based services that address nearly all the common day-to-day business operational concerns of the owners of private independent optometry practices... MyOptometryLawyer is not a business alliance or "buying group" like IDOC or Vision Source. And it's not marketing or business growth consulting like Gary Gerber's Power Practice, Al Cleinman's Cleinman Performance Partners, or the William's Group. MyOptometryLawyer compliments, not replaces, these great services that are already available to help optometrists grow their practice. MyOptometryLawyer is about ensuring that you and your practice are always protected by securing, in advance, access to low-cost pre-paid legal and business consulting service from..
Also known as: MyOptometryLawyer, LLC