Updated 11 days ago
The Sourze Art Gallery, 427 Westport Road, Kansas City, Missouri
Other organizations I have worked with art and community service: Niles Home for Children, Olathe NAACP, Indiana Black Expo, Youth Friends, Community Center for Sojourner Truth in Kansas City, Juneteenth Celebration, United Way, Blue and Jazz Festival, Beyond the Convictions, Kansas City, Missouri, The Storytellers, Turner House, Black Chamber of Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri, United Media Association, Northeast Business Association, Kansas City, Kansas, The Negro League, Kansas City, Missouri, and the Urban League. These are a few of the organizations and communities that I have supported. I have painted mural for organizations such as Woody's South, Kansas City, Missouri, and Donnelly college, Kansas City, Kansas. Illustrated a book cover for Dr. James Maxwell, "Therapeutic Hermeneutics".