KEPLER & WILDE - Key Persons

Christy Harner - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
Christy is a passionate brand developer and marketing strategist who helps companies innovate, establish their brands, partner strategically, and market successfully. Over the past 15 years, she has helped to raise capital, develop products, and build marketing strategies for dozens of innovative companies around the world. Her specialty is B2B marketing and sales alignment, with an emphasis on creative strategy and channel partner relationships. In 2019, she helped launch the new Innovate Charlotte startup mentorship program, and she is currently on the board of Aspire Community Capital. Christy is also completing her MBA at Queens University of Charlotte in 2020.

Tara Fusco - CMO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CMO
  • Co - Founder
With over 10 years of B2B marketing strategy and implementation experience, Tara has led growth-driven marketing teams for consulting firms, software companies, and, more recently, billion-dollar global enterprises. From her in-depth knowledge of the technology sector to her diverse industry experience, Tara's campaigns have empowered companies to achieve triple-digit growth and headlines in Forbes and the Wall Street Journal as well as multiple awards including coveted CES recognition. Tara received her degree in Communications from Appalachian State University and is a guest lecturer on the topic of Big Data and New Media.