Updated 15 days ago
- Age: 2 years
- ID: 41821898/52
Incuba, Navitas Inge Lehmanns Gade 10 DK-8000 Aarhus
GreenLab is part of the 100 MW Power-to-X project, GreenHyScale, which aims to accelerate green hydrogen solutions. The facility will be located in GreenLab's industrial park. In May 2023, the first 6 MW PtX test facility arrived, and the project partners will continuously work to expand the facility. The first receiver of hydrogen will be the Starfish Factory located in GreenLab...
GreenLab is a green and circular industrial park located in Skive, Denmark. We believe that the energy system of the future is an integrated energy system - and we work to develop and demonstrate this in practice by improving the way renewable energy is produced, transformed, stored, and utili sed.
VAT numbers: DK 40114521
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