ARND BUCHARDT - Managing Director

Job Titles:
Arnd Buchardt is re spons ible for the GERRY WEBER Group's sales activ it ies across all channels as well as for marketing. He returned to the company in 2024 after pre vi ously working for the Group from 2004 to 2016. Arnd Buchardt studied business ad min is tra tion in Mannheim. He began his pro fes sion al career in the fashion industry at the Betty Barclay Group.

DIRK REICHERT - Managing Director

Job Titles:
Dirk Reichert is re spons ible for Or gan isa tion and Product as well as Sales, Corporate Com mu nic a tions and CSR. Born in Düs sel dorf, he is the owner of a con sult ing firm and joined GERRY WEBER in April 2023 initially in an advisory capacity as Chief Re struc tur ing Officer (CRO). Before setting up his own business, Dirk Reichert worked ex clus ively in the clothing sector as a board member, managing director and sometimes as a co-en tre pren eur, most recently at Munich Brand Hub AG, Munich. He began his career as assistant to the man age ment at Lloyd Textil GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen. Dirk Reichert lives in Munich, is married and has five children.