Updated 881 days ago
Strangeways Research Laboratory Worts Causeway CB1 8RN
At Baker, CBSGI is part of the Systems Genomics Lab. We have collaborations with experimental and clinical labs at Baker as well as various groups at the University of Melbourne and Monash University. The CBSGI node operates in parallel to Baker Data Science, a platform of bioinformatics and biostatistical expertise... In our microbiome research we have several key projects. First, we identify and characterise the microbes that predict present or future disease, and we use statistical and machine learning methods to create predictive models based on the gut microbiome. As an extension, we combine human genomic and microbiome data both to uncover the human genetic variants that determine the communities of microbes living on us as well as to create combined human and microbial genomic risk scores that predict future disease... The CBSGI is an international research partnership between the University of Cambridge (UK) and the Baker Heart Diabetes Institute (Australia) which aims to:..