Updated 8 days ago
- Age: 5 years
- ID: 41113993/55
SimAcoustics is a business that grew from the hobby of its founder; Mike Maarse. It was during the mid-1990s that, as a result of his passion for aviation and engine sound, Mike started modifying samples and sound configuration files for Microsoft Flight Simulator 95. It was a lot of fun using nothing but the most basic of tools (Notepad and Sound Recorder for the nostalgically inclined) to enhance the way aircraft sounded when flying them around the virtual skies...
Born out of passion for aircraft engine noise, SimAcoustics was established in 2019 to cater to the needs of add-on developers for modern flight simulator software such as Flight Simulator X, Prepar3D and X-Plane. In 2020 we added ready made sound packages for end-users to our portfolio...
SimAcoustics is your source for tailor made flight simulator sound environments. Just let us know what we can do for you!