Updated 213 days ago
Sumptuous Accounting is an intellectual provocation, taking a lighthearted approach to a very serious issue - fixing capitalism... The discussion paper Triple Entry Bookkeeping TM uses the sci-fi genre and a story-telling narrative to explore a utopian vision for capitalism. This approach was taken because sci-fi allows us the creativity to explore an alternative reality. It frees us from preconceptions and the inertia of habit. However, sci-fi is also rooted in practical feasibility - it is not fantasy... Triple Entry Bookkeeping TM corrects this imbalance by modifying both the debit and credit entries to reflect the externalities of a transaction, so that they align more closely with the true cost (or value). This has the effect of adjusting the perceived price for both the buyer and the seller, as well as the future purchasing power of market actors based upon their historic choices. It was inspired by studying the behaviour of social impact investors when they offer concessional..