Updated 70 days ago
39 Stores 5 Points Plaza On Main St. off of Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Welcome to, the best shopping malls directory in the USA. Whether you are looking for a place to shop, dine, relax or have fun, you will find it here. Browse our database of over 2650 shopping malls across the country and discover the best and biggest ones near you. You can search by state, city, zip code or mall name and get detailed information about each mall, such as its location, opening hours, store directory, contact details and more. You can also read reviews from other shoppers, share your own experiences and ratings, and find out about the latest deals and events happening at your favorite malls. is your ultimate guide to the world of shopping malls in the USA. Start exploring now and enjoy the benefits of being a mall lover. But that's not all. You can also access weekly ads from the biggest retailers in the USA, such as Walmart, Target, Costco, Kroger and more. Save money and time by browsing their offers and promotions online and plan your..
Also known as: mall