ICE-HBV - History of Changes

2024-08-10 delete person Andrea Fischer
2024-08-10 insert person Dr Margaret Littlejohn
2024-08-10 update person_description Massimo Levrero => Massimo Levrero
2024-08-10 update person_title Massimo Levrero: Board Member / Rome, Italy => Board Member / Rome, Italy; Professor of Medicine at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
2024-08-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2024-03-22 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2023-09-08 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-05-31 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2023-04-09 delete person Dr. Barbara Testoni
2023-04-09 update person_title John Tavis: Professor of Molecular Virology at Saint Louis University; Incoming Chair, 2022 - 2024 => Professor of Molecular Virology at Saint Louis University; ICE - HBV CHAIR
2023-04-09 update person_title Maura Dandri: Board Member / Hamburg, Germany => ICE - HBV VICE CHAIR
2023-04-09 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-01-27 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-11-12 delete person Ms. Joan Block
2022-11-12 insert person Chari Cohen
2022-11-12 insert person Dr. Barbara Testoni
2022-11-12 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-09-16 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-08-13 update person_title Andrea Fischer: null => Board Member / Melbourne, Australia
2022-08-13 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-06-20 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-05-20 delete person Sharon Lewin
2022-05-20 insert person Andrea Fischer
2022-05-20 update robots_txt_status 200 => 503
2022-05-20 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-03-29 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2021-01-29 delete otherexecutives John Tavis
2021-01-29 delete source_ip
2021-01-29 delete source_ip
2021-01-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-29 insert person Adam Gehring
2021-01-29 insert person Mala Maini
2021-01-29 insert person Maura Dandri
2021-01-29 insert person Seng Gee Lim
2021-01-29 insert source_ip
2021-01-29 update person_title Christian Bréchot: ICE - HBV Honorary President, President of the Global Virus Network => ICE - HBV Honorary President
2021-01-29 update person_title John Tavis: Professor of Molecular Virology at Saint Louis University; Member of the Board => Professor of Molecular Virology at Saint Louis University; Incoming Chair, 2022 - 2024
2021-01-29 update person_title Peter Revill: Senior Medical Scientist and Head of Molecular Virology; ICE - HBV Chair / Melbourne, Australia => ICE - HBV past Chair
2020-10-10 delete address Africa 2020 (COLDA) Dakar, Senegal
2020-10-10 update primary_contact Africa 2020 (COLDA) Dakar, Senegal => null
2020-06-30 delete source_ip
2020-06-30 insert source_ip
2020-06-30 insert source_ip
2020-06-30 insert source_ip
2020-03-01 delete address EASL's annual International Liver Congress, ILC 2020 London
2020-03-01 update primary_contact EASL's annual International Liver Congress, ILC 2020 London => null
2019-11-28 insert address EASL's annual International Liver Congress, ILC 2020
2019-11-28 update primary_contact null => EASL's annual International Liver Congress, ILC 2020
2019-06-28 update person_title Capucine Penicaud: Programme Manager for the International Coalition to Eliminate HBV; ICE - HBV Programme Manager / Melbourne, Australia => Ex - Officio Board Member ( Non - Voting ) Australia; Programme Manager for the International Coalition to Eliminate HBV; ICE - HBV Programme Manager / Melbourne, Australia